We have, on many an occasion, lamented the fact that there just aren’t any real mini-pickups offered any more, at least not in the home of the pickup, the U.S.of A.. Oh sure there’s the Toyota Tacoma and a few others, but all of that current crop of small trucks are pretty dang big by traditional measures. Fortunately, pickups are by nature pretty simple machines and hence tend to last a long time as there’s little to really go wrong. And because of that, today we want your opinion as to which of those old trucks would be the most Jack Nicholson of the bunch.
Traditionally, mini-pickups were pretty utilitarian affairs, and it’s kind of hard to spot the specific moment when they transitioned from suburban gardner staple to sports car replacement, but I think it was about the time that Toyota introduced the SR-5 edition of the Hilux. Maybe it was even before that as the Mazda rotary pickup, while not very popular when in production, gained a cult-like following in later years.
If you’re like the us then you love little trucks – small enough to be of little use to leeches who want help in moving, but not too small to be useful bringing home important stuff like beer kegs and big screen TVs right before the Superbowl. Of course utility is only part of the game here, and so today, we want you take on which trucks are also da bomb.
Image source: MazdaRepu Forums
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