Rich people aren’t like you and me, and that’s the way they like it. Of course maintaining that class barrier is expensive and part of the cost is paying top dollar for cars that, while usually cutting edge and feature laden, typically end up losing huge chunks of their value in short order. That’s called depreciation, and it’s something us poor folk can readily appreciate.
The reason is because it brings into the realm of affordability previously forbidden fruit, and allows us to drive around pretending to wear a monocle and top hat and pet a creepy hairless lap cat. Actually their precipitous depreciation – BMW’s 7-series can lose up to half its cost new in a single year – brings a plethora of recent and massively engineered cars within the price range of the average Joe.
There are tons of formerly expensive and exclusive rides cluttering up the classifieds these days, and the question for today is which one of those would be the best to buy off the discount table. Sure, you’d need to keep in mind on-going maintenance and likely repair costs, but not all über rides are craptastically built and fly’s wing fragile. With all that in mind, what do you think is the best formerly expensive luxury car to now pick up on the cheap?
Image: [autobidmaster]
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