Do you remember when you were a kid, and you had that poster of a Lamborghini Countach on your bedroom wall? Every night you would narrow-eye that poster and whisper to yourself one day before drifting off to pimply dreams of the lusty Italian replacing Schwinn as your daily driver. Well, have you ever actually driven a Countach? No? Me neither, but I’ve sat in a few – even had the doors closed, cosseting me in. Let me tell you, there’s nothing daily about driving a Countach, unless you’re a total nut job.
Another youthful dream killer is the Lotus Esprit. Man, I HAVE driven those, both old school and more modern turbo. That’s another car designed without consideration for the shape and needs of the human body. They’re also plagued with one of the worst shift mechanisms known to man, so bad using it makes you wistful for the old THM125 in a Chevy Citation.
Sorry to be bursting so many bubbles – I know, it’s like finding out Chuck Norris is in reality a pussy, or that a Nirvana reunion featured Paul McCartney. Do you have your own bubbles that have burst? What of your youthful car crushes do you now lament?
Image source: [autoserviceandelst]
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