I have a buddy – he goes by the name of DamnElantra about these parts – and his car lacks any audio or video accouterments, preferring to pair his driving adventures with the dulcet tones emanating from his Hyundai’s exhaust, rather than from something bought at Crutchfield. Do you share his aversion to mobile electronic aural accompaniment?
AM, FM, HD Radio, CDs, DVDs, USB, iPods, iPhones, Zunes and whistling your own tunes, there’s lots of ways to add a soundtrack to your daily slog. Some people like the news (give us 22 minutes and we’ll give you the world), while some like a pounding back beat that 5,000 watts of eminem affords. Some of us prefer to let the engine do the talking- gaining pleasure from the basso voice emanating from behind, or the grizzly bear growl of an intake unfettered by the victorian raiments of factory air filters. So, what’s your poison- do you roll with fiddy, or do you keep the tunes in your head and not in your dash? Image sources: [Flickr, airpowersystems]
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