Hooniverse Asks- The Indy 500, How Was It For You?

Whether it was Mike Conway’s crash, or the comedy of errors that left fuel nozzles on cars, and tires bouncing merrily across pit lane, the Indy 500 had a number of WTF? moments. Did you watch the race, and if so, what was your take on both the track hijinks and ESPN’s coverage? I can’t recall seeing so many loose tires and rolling pit crew members at any Brickyard event in the past, but there have been breath-catching crashes like Conway’s. A broken back and shattered left ankle will sideline the racer for at least three months, but his prognosis for recovery seems good. Aside from that horrific last lap crash there were a number of more minor shunts that thinned traffic, and the aforementioned pit antics made you wonder just who was calling the shots down there. But Franchitti made it all look easy. His $2.75 million win is his second, and along with being married to the lovely Ashley  Judd, makes this guy’s life pretty envy worthy. Not only that but the Conway crash meant he only had to dodge wreckage to make it past the checkered. Not the three-wide race to the flag and photo finish many fans hope for. But was the race everything you had hoped for? Did you watch it from Jack Nicholson’s opening declaration to the Target-branded car’s final slide under the flag and Franchetti’s savoring of the traditional bottle of milk in the winner’s circle? Or, was the race like a glass of warm milk, setting your internal clock on snooze? Image sources: [Mark Miller- AP via the Washington Post, Michael Conroy- AP via NBCSports]

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