Over the automobile’s more than a century of existence, how many true sports cars has America produced? Now, discounting the odd cottage car and transplant sold through a U.S. maker’s dealer network, I think the numbers could easily fit on the fingers of one hand. Here’s the thing though, that’s a darn shame. You see the American auto industry is fully capable of producing a true sports car, heck they’ve been building one for more than 60 years now, and have been doing a pretty good job of it. The Corvette may be America’s Sports Car, but does it need to sit on that podium all by its lonesome? Other makers have tried to scoot in next to Chevy’s long-running two-seater, but only Mopar’s muscular Viper has made much of a dent in recent years. Ford’s most recent contribution to the American Sports Car – the GT – was built predominantly here in the states, but as a candle that burns twice as bright only lives half as long, the mid-engined screamer was limited to only two model years and production numbers low enough to qualify the car to be a micro-brew were it a beer. There have sure been other American sports cars over the years, including the Stutz Bearcat, the Auburn Speedster and even the Pontiac Fiero in its later years. But today – again aside from some minor players – we have only the Corvette and, hanging on by a thread, the Viper to wave the Stars and Stripes. And I think that’s too bad. What do you think, is that a lament that you share – even if you’re not an American? Do you think that America, in this instance meaning the U.S.A., ought to be producing more true sports cars? Image source: Web-Cars
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