You know, not everybody has a car. Still, pretty much everybody likes riding in them, and that means that for many, when the wanderlust strikes it’s time to ride the thumb. Steinbeck, Kerouac, and that guy you once saw on the roadside with an axe and the pillow case full of – oh I don’t know -broken catsup bottles and watermelons, they’ve all traveled by way of hitchhiking, and I’ll bet some of you have too.
Thumbing a ride is about as historic a transportation method as hoofing it in sandals or mounted on an ass. In some countries its even encouraged as a form of impromptu ride-sharing. Of course in the US we don’t put up with that kind of socialist malarky, but even here – thanks to a 1946 case argued by the ACLU – even Americans are free to stick a thumb out.
What about you, have you ever plied the highways and byways solely on the kindness, and boredom, of strangers? If you have ever raised a thumb as a means of getting somewhere, or perhaps away from somewhere, how did that work out for you? Do you think hitchhiking is a viable means of transportation for the automotively bereft? What is your personal experience with hitchhiking?
Image source: youthpaper
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