Hooniverse Asks- Dual Exhausts, Brah! Or Blah?

dual exhaust

Have you ever considered contradiction? I mean really given it some thought? When it comes to cars, it’s pretty plain that some of us engage in inconsistency in the view of our end game. And so do a number of car makers. We all know that the key to speed and efficiency is light weight- which is why I always poop before jumping in the commute-mobile for the trip home from work. 

Still, car makers keep adding weight to their cars, and one of the ways they do so is a multiplicity of exhaust pipes. We keep on buying them because of those dual exhausts just look so cool. Heck, a certain sub-set of us adds the extra plumbing when the manufacturers fail to do so in the first place. I for one don’t see the value in having two (or more) chrome tips on my ride instead of just one, and I’m wondering if you feel the same way.

Oh sure, I know about the necessity of providing the engine with proper breathing, and the gains to be made with balancing exhaust pulses and back pressure and all that. . . but I still think it could be achieved with a single pipe system that doesn’t add another 50 or 80 pounds to the car. Plus there’s the added cost of doubling your pleasure with cats, 02 sensors, and mufflers to consider. What’s your take on dual exhausts, are they Brah! or Blah?

Image source: Chivethrottle

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58 responses to “Hooniverse Asks- Dual Exhausts, Brah! Or Blah?”

  1. Josh_Howard Avatar

    My '13 Altima has dual exhaust. It's more pleasing to my eye than a single exit any day of the week. In a lot of ways, it's one of those quintessential "American" things. Most people don't even realize what size engines are in cars today and putting dual exhaust on everything makes it that much harder for the untrained eye. People, in general, believe dual exhaust means power… whether it's real or not. It's something else for them to talk about.

  2. CalculatedRisk Avatar

    Duals are welcome in "V" configuration engines or even horizontally opposed motors. I hate false duals on inline 4's and 6's. I often pull up behind a car and see only one of two exhaust exits sooty and it makes me sad. As a side note to superfluous exhaust, my all time favorite is a set of zoomie pipes as per Mad Max.
    <img src="http://youonlyliveonce.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/mad-max.jpg&quot; width="600">

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      "I hate false duals on inline 4's and 6's"
      Somewhere, you just made a CBX cry.
      <img src="http://usedmotorcycles-forsale.com/images/CBX-oarf-xl.jpg&quot; width="500">
      Now, that being said, your point about the individual zoomies is valid.
      <img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/Honda_RC174E_engine_front_Honda_Collection_Hall.jpg/800px-Honda_RC174E_engine_front_Honda_Collection_Hall.jpg&quot; width="500">

      1. mdharrell Avatar

        An L-head six with genuine split exhaust is fine by me.
        <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IDyjJIjXeHc/TjndaI2ssBI/AAAAAAAAECo/Q1CbfgCbYU0/s1600/500502186_sSzF6-L.jpg&quot; width="450">

      2. pj134 Avatar

        Best sounding bike ever.

        1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
          Peter Tanshanomi

          I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
          [youtube o57JwibqCb8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o57JwibqCb8 youtube]

      3. hachie1 Avatar

        Ahhh, the CBXes, and the Benellis of the day. Awesome music

    2. topdeadcentre Avatar

      Sadly, the zoomies on the Mad Max interceptor as built for the movies were as fake as the supercharger on top of the engine.
      It's my most favorite movie prop car, but it's still a prop.

  3. RichardKopf Avatar

    Single exhaust, dual exhaust, I don't care. What I want to know is whether or not it has 180 degree headers. Seriously, youtube that.

    1. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

      I didn't know what those were until a week ago. I like.

  4. $kaycog Avatar

    You can't have too many exhausts. OH, YES, YOU CAN!
    <img src="http://cdn.carthrottle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Too-Many-Exhausts-655×409.jpg"width="500"/&gt;

    1. Vavon Avatar

      This type of humor is so exhausting.

      1. monkey_tennis Avatar

        (Receives only muffled applause.)

      2. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
        Peter Tanshanomi

        Pipe down!

        1. monkey_tennis Avatar

          Well that has silenced me.

          1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
            Peter Tanshanomi

            Cat got your tongue?

          2. monkey_tennis Avatar

            There are manifold ways that I could reply…

  5. mdharrell Avatar

    I must be in favor: I've owned several vehicles with exhausts that have more than one exit point.

  6. Arco777 Avatar

    The lead image makes me sad every time I see it.
    Anyways, dual exhausts. Can look good but IMO are so overused today. When a Camry has it, it shows how much the effect has been cheapened.
    Apparently every 88-98 Chevrolet has had a recall or something ordering a mandatory dual exhaust made of the cheapest materials and dangling precariously at odd angles.
    A rare positive point is the dual exhaust on the new Dodge pickups.
    I have always loved lake pipes, and also the dual exhaust on a single side like some Lightning pickups.

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      " The lead image makes me sad every time I see it. "
      Well, if it's had a diesel swapped into it, I could almost approve.

  7. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

    I love dual exhaust.
    So much that I thought about putting it on my Geo Metro.
    But then I thought, "How do I plumb three cylinders into two pipes?"

    1. tiberiusẅisë Avatar

      Wait, they have to be hooked up to the engine?

      1. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

        Well played, amigo.

    2. monkey_tennis Avatar

      Try an homage to the Ferrari F40 — three pipes!
      <img src="http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/8560/f40exhaust.jpg&quot; width="600">

    3. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      You just need triple exhaust.
      <img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2499/3855984889_c2ac31971f.jpg"&gt;
      G'won. I triple dog dare you.

      1. Irishzombieman☆ Avatar

        Ooooh, maybe I oughtta give each cylinder *2* pipes.
        <img src="http://goo.gl/7A8QY&quot; width=400>

        1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
          Peter Tanshanomi

          A trio of zoomies coming out from under each side?

    4. topdeadcentre Avatar

      Three-cylinder Triumphs have 3 into 2 pipes, so it's certainly possible.
      Desirable Metro mod? Probably not.

  8. C³-Cool Cadillac Cat Avatar
    C³-Cool Cadillac Cat

    While I like they symmetry of them, unless there is a good reason for it, which there can be even on I6 engines, unless it's an V or an flat motor, pass.
    I don't see any point in putting 'dual' outlets when they're coming out of the same resonator, however.

    1. gzuckier Avatar

      If the muffler design, however, is such that it's more efficient or quieter or smaller because it has two outputs instead of one, then I won't tell them not to.

  9. SSurfer321 Avatar

    I'm ok with true duals on sports cars and trucks, so long as its done tastefully.
    NOT OK with dual chimneys out the back of diesel trucks.


    It depends on how necessary it is. On a lot of cars that are moving a lot of exhaust flow, you simply can't fit a single pipe of sufficient size. It can get very hard to route a single 3.5" pipe under a car that needs it, whereas a dual 2.5" system will flow as much or more and can be significantly easier to route while maintaining ground clearance. Same goes for mufflers. It's a lot easier to package 2 smaller mufflers than one large one in many cases. And for a V configuration car, especially a V8, it makes more sense as you have two flow paths anyways.

    1. CABEZAGRANDE Avatar

      But when it isn't necessary from a functional perspective, I'm more torn. I often find dual exhuasts more aesthetically pleasing than singles, even on people pushers like Camrys or Fusions, and they often sound better. But my engineer brain just can't quit mulling the fact that it really is just unnecessary weight and cost. It's why my LS2 swapped RX7 has a single exhaust. So this is really one that comes down to a case by case basis.

      1. Rover1 Avatar

        Isn't it easier to muffle lower frequency vibrations with 2 smaller diameters rather than one large one.I thought that dual exhasts came about because of the need to keep exhaust flow up while effectively quietening the more penetrative,( & effectively louder), lower frequencies i.e. the annoying exhaust boom.

  11. tiberiusẅisë Avatar

    One pipe seems to be enough for FrankenJeep.
    <img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2887/9091992699_653c0816a8_o.jpg&quot; width="400">
    And apparently its the same size as my son's boss ride.
    <img src="http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5462/9094215414_2f7e9ef12d_o.jpg&quot; width="400">

  12. LTDScott Avatar

    I just spent a good chunk of change redoing the exhaust on my LTD to true duals, so you know what my answer is.

  13. Preludacris Avatar

    When it's chilly out and you see an unequal amount of steam from the two exits, Blah.
    When it's your own car, Brah!
    <img src="http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z313/ndrwhrnr/2013-06-12173709_zps2194ac70.jpg&quot; width="600">

  14. don fehlio Avatar
    don fehlio

    I prefer one step past a dual exhaust.
    <img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8jtopmOpM1qm7h9jo1_1280.jpg&quot; width="600">

    1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
      Peter Tanshanomi

      Purple Bosozoku Crown laughs at your feeble attempt.
      <img src="http://pinktentacle.com/images/10/bosozoku_39.jpg"&gt;

      1. HTWHLS Avatar


  15. racer139 Avatar

    Since the exhaust on my car just broke right after the cat not even an hour ago… I can say its just nice to have an exhaust. Its funny cause the D.O.T are out in force today.

  16. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
    Scandinavian Flick ★

    It really depends on the car. True duals are excellent on anything with a V8 or greater, and some 6 cylinder cars/trucks. Exhaust that splits into two is fine if it's done right.
    Heck, how 'bout true duals with a single exit, like on the '04 GTOs?
    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/CSCluKE.jpg&quot; width="550">
    Click to embiggen: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/CSCluKE.jpg” target=”_blank”>http://i.imgur.com/CSCluKE.jpg

    1. JayP2112 Avatar

      No crossover?

      1. Scandinavian Flick ★ Avatar
        Scandinavian Flick ★

        Yeah, not on the '04s. They changed it up quite a bit for the 05/06, going up to 2.5" from 2.25" pipe, and going to a single center resonator from the dual resonator setup on the '04s. Makes it really easy to delete the resonator and add an x-pipe piece…
        <img src="http://i.imgur.com/2lK04YZ.jpg&quot; width="550">

      2. Vairship Avatar

        Sure there's a crossover. It's right there by the rear wheel, one pipe crossing over the other. 😉

    2. wunno sev Avatar
      wunno sev

      two tips on one side of the car is the best configuration, looks fantastic every time.

  17. Danno1985 Avatar

    <img src="http://i69.servimg.com/u/f69/18/04/82/76/cimg6510.jpg"&gt;
    Only if it's actually a legitimate dual exhaust system from the exhaust manifolds back.

  18. MVEilenstein Avatar

    I knew a guy who put dual exhaust with Flowmasters on his pastel green F-150 with the I-6. Sounded like a can of angry bees every time he shifted.

  19. Sjalabais Avatar

    Blah! Functionality first.

  20. monkey_tennis Avatar

    The UK site Pistonheads has just run a similar thread; starting off with the bold step of defining 7 rules which all car manufacturers should follow. A good post and a lot of good commentary followed…
    (And for anyone who is a cyclist the site which inspired PH set 'the rules' — Velominati http://www.velominati.com/the-rules/ — is a wonderful read as well).

  21. Sjalabais Avatar

    If I'd ask any local granny, the answer would be: "What exhaust?":
    <img src="http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/5505/tzux.jpg&quot; width="600">

  22. buzzboy7 Avatar

    True duals. Love em. My Comet had long tube headers and non-crossed-over true duals with Flowmaster 40s dumping at the rear axle. Sounded like pure sex. ACVWs also sound really good with true duals. Especially something like a dual-cannon. Then I of course love side pipes, be they on muscle, van or truck, or even certain Locosts. Pickups with dual stacks? Still love em. I'd rather something smallish like a 3-4" not the 6"+ miters I see but I still think they look/sound good even though its a split after the turbo, not a true dual.
    <img src="http://i1208.photobucket.com/albums/cc368/buzzboy7/DSC00760.jpg&quot; width="600">

  23. HTWHLS Avatar

    True duals on V8's – yes!..only if there is a real crossover.

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