More and more businesses are providing their derives either a la cart like the airlines which breakout things like baggage costs and the ability to use the restroom, or like some insurers as direct usage costs. An example of that latter is the tracking device that is offered to keep tabs on your driving habits and ensure that you’re telling the truth about how many miles you drive, and the assertion that you don’t take shortcuts through places like Chernobyl.
Allowing the insurer access to your actual driving data is offset by the company providing you with lower cost premiums, or so it goes. The thing of it is, with the Government listening in on all our phone calls, and reading our emails, and businesses keeping tabs on everything we buy or even look at, the amount of braking or accelerating force we use in our day to day driving seems a last bastion of privacy, and I wonder if you are willing to shed even that last crumb to save a few bucks?
You know that eventually these kind of telemetric devices will be standard in all our new cars and trucks, mandated by the ease at which they provide both traffic flow and crash data, lowering costs for highway safety. Until then they seem to be the exception rather than the rule, and only a few insurance companies are even offering the plug-in modules at this time. As a means to save money, are you currently one of the pioneers of this big brother technology?
Image source: The Detroit Bureau
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