Hooniverse reader B72 was musing the other day, when the infectious warm-weather mix tape standard Summertime by Will Smith dropped by his head and decided to stay for a while. That got him thinking about the lyrics everybody frontin’ and maxin’ – chillin’ in the car they spent all day waxin’ which raised two questions in his mind – what the hell ever happened to DJ Jazzy Jeff, and, do people still spend summer days outside waxing their car?
In case you’re not familiar, what the Fresh Prince was alluding to was the practice of preparing for a summer evening’s activities which involve cruising in your pride and joy, and the efforts that have gone into making it look its best. It’s a. . . well, why don’t you just see for yourself?
Doesn’t that make you want to set up a lounge chair on the back of a flatbed truck and cruise the neighborhood? But more importantly, does it get you joinsing to spend the day in the driveway, under the shade of a spreading chestnut tree, rubbing on the wax and buffing it off until you need sunglasses just to look at your ride? With today’s modern clear coats and the public’s general apathy for breaking a sweat, that scene doesn’t seem to get played out as often today as it did back when Will Smith was still the Fresh Price, and DJ Jazzy Jeff could be found on more places than just the side of a milk carton.
Still, if you’re here reading Hooniverse, you’re not part of that apathetic general public, and you likely take pride in maintaining your ride. So, if that’s the case, do you take your cue from Mr. Smith and spend your summer days frontin’ and maxin’ and then chillin’ with the car that you be waxin’?
Image source: [Robotbastard via Flickr]
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