Hooniverse Asks: Are You-Pick-It Junk Yards Still the Best Place for Old Parts?

IMG_2528 I spent a good bit of the Saturday after Christmas, not with my family, but with a flock of other treasure seekers haunting a couple of You-Pull-It yards in beautiful downtown Sun Valley, California. I had heard that one of the yards that I frequent – the Alden Brothers Domestic and Foreign lot – was going to close with the New Year, and so wanted to peruse its oil-stained and detritus strewn rows one final time before that happened. Well, it turns out that yard was already closed, however a couple of other yards in the area still remain open so my hike over the hill wasn’t totally in vain. Or maybe it was. One thing I’ve noticed in the past year or so is that the you-yank yards are no longer all that cheap. Not only that, but on many items they require core charges. Oh really! A week later I went to another yard and came away with what I considered to be some deals, but that was only because the lot was having a 40% off sale for New Years. Have you run into similar inflationary instances at your local yards? Does the increase in prices make you think twice about sourcing your parts there? Image: ©2016 Hooniverse/Robert Emslie, All Rights Reserved

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