It’s that time of year again, the week before Easter weekend, the opening of the New York International Auto Show. First, allow me to say that the International part is a bit of a misnomer, as there sure as hell won’t be any new Ladas there. But I digress. Like with all other shows, we will have our awesome pointless summery at the end, but since I will be there LIVE, I plan on doing some live-ish coverage. Because laptops are heavy and have a relatively short battery life, I plan on doing all my coverage from iPhone and/or my iPad. And that coverage will be mostly on the Hooniverse Facebook page, because that app is much easier to use. It is also much faster, much more relative, and much more, I don’t know, much more 2013 than the website itself. But have no fear, when there is something dramatic to show, it will be up on the website. Jeff will be at home, chained to his desk, manning the site. In the mean time, if there is anything specific you want to see, just mention it in comments. Expect sarcasm, behind-the-scenes look, and general weird stuff.
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