Welcome to user submission weekend! Due to reasons beyond control, most of us have been way too busy to post (and/or reply to) some of the great tips we have gotten recently so we are going to show a little love to our readers. First up, every Chicago cop car ever made! Ok well not every cop car but this particular archive is ridiculously extensive.
Unfortunately, they have the archive locked down pretty good so rather than blatantly stealing all their awesome photos, I would encourage you to click through to their website and give it a browse. And it is not limited to awesome photos of Chicago’s finest, their incredible archive includes stuff from all over the nation. Go have a look at their site!
hat tip to 2000ccsoffury
Hooniversal "User Submission" Weekend: Chicago PD Edition
17 responses to “Hooniversal "User Submission" Weekend: Chicago PD Edition”
Link no worky in FF4. Try this: http://public.fotki.com/copcardotcom/photographs_…
oh weird, WordPress likes to add an additional "http://" to the links now. It should work now.
Uhm, nope. Brings me to http://hooniverse.info/2011/04/30/hooniversal-user…
gah! ok lemme poke around in there with a stick some more
yep, I chucked the stick and called in a dude with a BFH
The interwebz fairy corrected the issue. Enjoy!
Well, this (and the following image) are totally irrational. That's our 20th-century police livery, sure – but my town only has a smattering of three- and four-story buildings, so this Mopar is far out of its element.
I suspect the NYPD car in the background is your answer.
That is not Mopar. The emblem is a chevy logo on the front. You were just corrected by a fourteen year old car enthusiast:D
Unless of course, you're talking about the Savoy in the link…I probably just made myself look quite ignorant.
The 'Jaffrey Police' car is a Plymouth Gran Fury (sibling to the Dodge Diplomat and Chrysler Fifth Avenue), the car behind it looks to be a '69-'71 Dodge Polara (although I can't tell for sure), and there's a newer Crown Vic in the background…
Oh, there is a Chevy there, though – an S-10-based Blazer. -
I'm not used to that! Somehow I managed to not see it at all. Cheers.
I double-posted accidentally, so I appreciated it.
Both of the cop cars you see from the front are Mopars. The former is a mid-eighties Gran Fury/Diplomat and the latter is an early-seventies Polara. You were just schooled by a forty-five year-old car nut who has been pulled over by both of them.
Presumably. The real question is, who gives a damn about my town?
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