So here it is a couple weeks after Hoonimas has passed and I kinda figured it was time to see what those of we Hoons who chose to participate in this year’s gift exchange received. And to expose those slackers who have not sent their treasures off to their benefactors.
This olelongrooffan was extremely honored by my presents. A speedo from what appears to be a ’57 Chevy, two Hot Wheels funny cars, a Datsun 510 and Cougar Eliminator (I think my age serves that purpose quite well) Hot Wheels, a laser pointer, a ton of chocolate, a classic Chevette badge and, finally, coolest of all, a key chain fob dating from a 1926 Buick. Yeah. Pretty Damn Cool Stuff to this olelongrooffan. Thanks again man.
What about you? What’d you get? And those of you who chose not to participate, see what cool shit you are missing?
image copyright Hooniverse 2013/longrooffan
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