It’s hard to say whether or not Fiat’s diminutive 500 could actually race across the ocean floor, although I think I’d rather not like to find out the answer in the company’s electric edition – ziiit, ziiit. Regardless, that’s the fun everyone – including Charlie Sheen – is having in this video for Arianna’s Sexy People (the Fiat song). Is Charlie sexy? Let’s ask the people who found him drunk and disheveled in the bushes next to the Taco Bell drive thru for their opinion. Armando Christian Pérez, better known as Pitbull also features prominently in both the song and the video, and he gets to launch Charlie off his luxury yacht with a catapult, an act that I’ll bet many people would probably have paid dearly to do. There’s plenty of other cameos in this video – which is sort of a commercial for Fiat’s retro return to America – and you can see who’s sexy and who’s not right after the jump.
source: YouTube
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