Rob Zombie may be a horror-loving freak, but he’s also a media savvy freak who consistently integrates retro-pop culture tropes into his work. Born to carnival-worker parents, Zombie grew up loving b-grade horror and sci-fi films of the ’50s and 60s. He’s been quoted as saying that, when but a lad, his dream was to become Alice Cooper, Steven Spielberg, and Stan Lee all rolled into one.
He’s pretty much achieved that, already having six films to his name, a slew of comic books, and success as both part of White Zombie and in his solo career. This tune, Dragula, is from HellBilly Deluxe and was featured not in one of Zombie’s movies, but the disorienting The Matrix. Here, in the Zombie-directed video, you might also feel a little bewildered as he throws a ton of images at you- including a psychedelic joyride in the actual Munsters Koach, although not that show’s DRAG-U-LA that inspired the song. Get your freak on after the jump.
[youtube width=”720″ height=”514″][/youtube]
Source: YouTube
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