Hoonivercinema- Monday Movie Trailer

Mini Skirt Mob
American International Pictures was founded in 1954 and their first release was The Fast and the Furious. No, not that Fast and Furious, but a B-grade black and white actioner in which a fugitive kidnaps a girl while carjacking her Jag. AIP developed a system for churning out low-budget grind house fare aimed at teens, one that their PR department called the Peter Pan Syndrome (hey, that sounds like a good title for a movie!). That posited that a younger child will watch what an older child would, but that an older child wouldn’t watch what younger kids would. They felt the same thing held true for girls who would watch what boys liked, but that boys would shun girly fare. This led the company to zero in on their ideal target audience – the 19-year old male.
I can’t think of a more appropriate audience for The Mini Skirt Mob, which AIP released as part of its 1968 slate. It’s an action film about an all-female motorcycle gang who are as adept at brawling as they are at keeping their bouffant hairdos in place while racing down the highway. It also has one of history’s best movie tailgates – They’re hog-straddling female animals on the prowl! I’m going to seek out opportunities to use the term ‘hog-straddling’ in conversation whenever possible. Hey, back to school night’s coming up!
The movie has girl fights and guy fights, motorcycle crashes – and a bevy of sweet sixties bikes – as well as molotov cocktails and some pretty campy acting. That acting is provided by a cast of mostly forgotten actors, however you will likely recognize Patty McCormack who had previously played the creepy little girl in The Bad Seed, and Harry Dean Stanton who you will know from damn near all your favorite films including Alien and Repo Man. 
The trailer itself is chock full of bikes and action – and mini skirts! – so check it out right after the jump.
If that teaser whetted your appetite for lady biker mayhem then you’ll be happy to know that the entire film is available for freebies on the You of Tubes.
Source: YouTube
Image: Imgur

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  1. Peter Tanshanomi Avatar
    Peter Tanshanomi

    I prefer women who are not into "hog-straddling."

  2. Batshitbox Avatar

    I had a theory that Harry Dean Stanton's character dies in most of his films. One day while channel surfing I saw him in a bank robbery film, and sure enough he got shot dead trying to run from the cops within 5 minutes. I went down to my local video store and looked him up in the giant tomes of movies cataloged by actors, directors, titles… pretty much an IMDB in three ring binders.
    That man has been in hundreds of films. There was no chance I could systematically watch them all, but I vowed (because Repo Man and Escape From New York) to watch anything he was in, given the chance.