Have you ever had a blind date that seemed to be going so well – they appeared attractive, were reasonably articulate, and seemed to practice personal hygiene – only to have your hopes of a long term relationship dashed the first time they laughed? Or perhaps expressed their deep-seated hatred of other races and/or puppies? It was soooo close, right? And then they demonstrate this one flaw that make this otherwise acceptable person someone you would now douse yourself with gasoline and order the baked Alaska just to be rid of their company.
That’s the same thing that happens when you get an otherwise great car with a crappy engine. It may have great handling, or the build quality of a bank vault. Or maybe it’s simply the best looking car you’ve ever seen, so amazing a design that you secretly press your lips to its fenders and whisper odes to its mere existence. And all that can go right out the window due to a coarse or underpowered mill.
There are a number of cars that I have driven that have suffered this fatal flaw. The Smart FourTwo is not among them though, as while it does have a terrible two cylinder rock tumbler under its hatch, the rest of the car is equally unredeemable so it all pretty much balances out. Other cars are not so well balanced, some could even be tickling the toes of greatness if it weren’t for their terrible motors. Today I want your opinion of which ones those are.
Image source: TheDecaturMinute
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