You know, just because my last name is Rong, doesn’t mean I am, er, always wrong. Here’s one case where I am completely and irrevocably right, unique and perfect in every facet of my opinion. These clowns My esteemed co-hosts just don’t know it yet!
To coincide with British Week, we talk about the most British mode of transportation next to Stephen Fry’s shoes, Bristol Cars. Yes, they of former financial solvency, who have gone into “administration” for perhaps the most ruthless of euphemisms, are actually more deserving of respect than you may think. Naturally, I am right again, and I am the only one willing to step up to defend an institution as English as fish n’ chips and not mentioning wars. We also talk about our unabashed love for work trucks, driving Meals on Wheels to old people, Jim Brennan’s adventures at NTEA, and the state of British cars in general. If you call that liquid stuff “petrol,” it’ll be right up your alley.
As always, click the radio or this link to download the Hoonicast.
And as in true British electrics fashion, this podcast has been delayed by a day, just as I would be if I were traveling by Triumph Stag. Please excuse the Lucas-blamed delays!
My feature on the Bristol showroom drops later this week. Stay tuned to British Week for more tweedy pub-influenced nonsense!
[Image Source: Paul Baines]
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