In case you didn’t know, Porsche has a new version of their money tree Cayenne sport utility ready to hit the market. To drum up a little excitement for a model that many consider not true to the brand’s essence, the company has released a video that attempts to intertwine the Cayenne with other, historically significant Porsche cars, including the first! While the Cayenne may not be our favorite Porsche, this little retrospective is worthwhile as it spends its first half on Porsche history, including some great vintage shots and a 930 turbo dissing a. . . how does one say “nerd” in German? And all that is wrapped up by a voice-over that sounds exactly like the Budweiser Real Men of Genius commercials. Seriously, see if you can watch it without whispering real men of genius to yourself when the dog shows up. An important question that this promo brings up is not why does the new Cayenne look like an Infiniti EX35, but what is that under the second sheet in the clip below?
Cayman with its spoiler deployed? Panamera mule with the disguise still in place? Superperformance Daytona Coupe? What’s your guess? At any rate, if you’d like a little nostalgia, and maybe a Bud, then check out Porsche’s Cayenne promo, and here’s to you Mr. Hooniverse reading while at work when you should really be filing those TPS reports man. Real men of genius. [youtube width=”640″ height=”385″][/youtube]
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