Today would have been Ayrton Senna’s 53rd birthday. Celebrate Ayrton’s life with us through some of his quotes below. Often outspoken and usually right, some of the things this man said can be applied to each one of our own everyday lives, when we are away from cars and computers. Then, watch two of my favorite car-related videos, both of which coincidentally feature him and the Acura NSX.
Happy Birthday Ayrton!
Being second is to be the first of the ones who lose.
I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence.
Wealthy men can’t live in an island that is encircled by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give a chance to everyone, at least a basic chance.
These things bring you to reality as to how fragile you are; at the same moment you are doing something that nobody else is able to do. The same moment that you are seen as the best, the fastest and somebody that cannot be touched, you are enormously fragile.
Money is a strange business. People who haven’t got it aim it strongly. People who have are full of troubles.
I continuously go further and further learning about my own limitations, my body limitation, psychological limitations. It’s a way of life for me.
And suddenly I realized that I was no longer driving the car consciously. I was driving it by a kind of instinct, only I was in a different dimension.
It was like I was in a tunnel. Not only the tunnel under the hotel but the whole circuit was a tunnel. I was just going and going, more and more and more and more. I was way over the limit but still able to find even more.
You will never know the feeling of a driver when winning a race. The helmet hides feelings that cannot be understood.
Fear is exciting for me.
You must take the compromise to win, or else nothing. That means: you race or you do not.
It’s going to be a season with lots of accidents, and I’ll risk saying that we’ll be lucky if something really serious doesn’t happen.
– Ayrton Senna da Silva (March 21, 1960 – ∞)
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