If this car on the Peugeot stand is property of Peugeot UK then somebody there has an excellent sense of humour. This is the kind of thing I like to see.
Moreover, the fact that this car is on the Peugeot stand at all is a mighty reassuring sign. This is a 309 GTI, a Goodwood Editon, one of the very last off the production line, a kind of celebratory run-out model. OK, the Goodwood name is coincidental to our current location and so that might be why it’s here. But I like to think of it as a display of Peugeot not forgetting where they came from.
It’s here, obviously, because the new 308GTI is freshly launched. Of course, there’s a lot of emotional baggage that goes along with the Peugeot GTI name, from the 205 onwards (and lets not forget the 604… you had? Shame on you) those initials have aimed high but not always quite reached the plateau they were trying to conquer. Can 308 GTI deliver? We’ll find out soon.
The 309 GTI, meanwhile, is highly prized by enthusiasts. Many say they drove better than the 205, nobody says anything much against them. Yet possibly because of the slightly homely looks, they’re often overlooked in the Peugeot family tree. It’s sexy little sister got all the attention. I like to think that the presence of the 309 on the Peugeot stand is a reminder that Pug haven’t forgotten the enthusiasts. The 309 was a feelsome, rewarding car. These are virtues the 308 needs to deliver.
With this post I sign off from Goodwood 2015. Hope you’ve enjoyed it, rest assured there’s a metric fucktonne of stuff I haven’t written up yet and I will in time.
I’ll leave you with this. There’s a new NSX coming out. Ford are DETERMINED that the UK will get RHD Mustangs. There’s a horsepower war going on that shows no signs of abating. Citroen are rediscovering interesting design, Jaguar are in rude health, I’ve scoured the show stands and barely found a thing I couldn’t find enthusiasm for.
What a great time to be a Hoon.
(All images copyright Chris Haining / Hooniverse 2015)
(With extra special thanks to Goodwood for hosting us again. See you next year. Please)
Goodwood FoS 2015: The Best Kind Of Wood
Thanks for the posts. The kid and I were able to follow most of the livestream this year. Looked like a great time.
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