Top Gun Maverick Ford

Ford Maverick – Top Gun Edition

We were recently introduced to the Ford Maverick, which means folks ramped up the Top Gun memes. And let me tell you something Hooniverse, I am HERE FOR IT! If I were forced at gunpoint to pick a favorite all-time movie, it very well may be the original 1986 classic fighter plane movie. I remember going to see it in the theater, that was before you were guaranteed to see ten trailers via YouTube, so I had no clue what we were going to see. I think I asked, “is this a western?”. It was not, and I left there with my future career path set. I was going to be a fighter jockey. Clearly, that didn’t happen, but before I was into cars it pushed me hard into airplanes. Eventually, that was replaced with cars, which is how you ended up reading this.

It’s almost a foregone conclusion that Ford will be ramping up the Maverick special editions over the next few years. So, whether we’ll see a Maverick Tremor, or Raptor, or Harley Davidson Edition, you know they’re coming. Which made me realize that the best tie-in cross-promotion is right in front of our eyes! Top Gun Maverick is coming (eventually) so Ford should make sure a Kawasaki GPZ900R will fit in the back for the promos, and toss one out with some badging.

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Top Gun Maverick Ford

What other special edition Mavericks do you think we’ll see?

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10 responses to “Ford Maverick – Top Gun Edition”

  1. Web1.0shitbox Avatar

    I don’t think we’ll see any special editions since we can’t post pictures in the comments.

    1. Aaron "The Savior" Graham Avatar
      Aaron “The Savior” Graham

      I’m working on it, I swear! 😔

      1. Sjalabais Avatar

        Honestly, it’s been half a year with a lacking comment system, and the overall amount of comments and activity seems to be going down. Any kind of update on the progress of a new solution would be highly appreciated.

  2. GTXcellent Avatar

    They have to make a Grabber/Stallion – I want to see two-tone paint and some slot mags on that bad boy!

  3. Neight428 Avatar

    Revvin’ up you engines listen to her howlin’ roar.

  4. Maymar Avatar

    I’m not sure it’s ready for a Top Gun edition until there’s an ST edition, as even the 2.0 won’t really help when you feel the need for speed (I guess that’s what the bike is for, but what if the need hits while you’re loaded up with all your important beach volleyball nets and balls and beach volleyball jeans?).

    I’ve seen other people request a Splash on account of 90’s nostalgia, and I’m on board with that, but I’d go even further and take the FX4 to the next step with the Sasquatch (in honor of their earliest small offroady truck).

  5. Slow Joe Crow Avatar
    Slow Joe Crow

    How about a Ford Mavericks Crying Shame edition with a portrait of Raul Malo airbrushed on the hood?

  6. tiberiuswise Avatar

    With all due respect to the GPz, I’d go Grom.

  7. Tony Avatar

    LOL…That’s a silhouette of a MIG-29! NOOBS…

  8. heic to jpg Avatar

    Oh, the possibilities for special edition Ford Mavericks are endless!