Tuesdays are usually reserved for two-wheeled vehicles here at Hooniverse, so why are we showing you a van? Not only that, it’s a cargo van too that begs to have a “Free Candy” sign on the side. Not only that, it’s not a cool flat-nose old Ford van but all-new, just-introduced at the Birmingham Commercial Vehicle Show Ford Transit. That’s right, in an effort to bring you every latest bits of automotive news and information we travel the world and attend the most obscure of shows… Just. For. You.
What does this have to do with two-wheel-Tuesday? Well, it can be used as a motorcycle transporter. Anyway, the American replacement for the old E-Series will be based on this vehicle which has been very popular around the world. Ford had confirmed that it will be available with both gasoline and diesel engines in the U.S. Jump the jump to see what it looks like.
[Image Source: Tanshanomi! (who is evidently there and really wanted a Hooniversclusive!)]
UPDATE! We got more pics!!! OMG!!! w00t!
Not a bad looking machine. Let’s see, whate else… it’s got a low loading floor and is pretty versitile. It’s also so chic and ssssooooo Euro. Well, whatever, these are your Hooniverse Excusive First Pictures of The 2013 Ford Transit Custom Which Will Not Look Like The U.S. Ford Transit Pictures!!1!OMG!!!!

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