So as this olelongrooffan related in an earlier post, The Mad Hungarian and I attended the Amelia Island Concours D’Elegance on the first Sunday of BikeWeek. It was just freaking awesome. It seems to get better and better with each succeeding year. As we were walking down the 18th fairway of that beautiful golf course, this olelongrooffan saw something that I knew would get $kaycog’s heart all a flutter. I am confident this olelongrooffan is correct in that assumption. Make the jump to see what I’m talking about.
There were easily 15, maybe 20, according to Hemmings, 14 Ford GT40s in attendance that warm and sunny day. As I mentioned and as always when I see a particular car it reminds me of one of my fellow Hoons. Stay tuned Chief Blooger and Muthalovin’.
Now the price of admission to this toney charity receiving Concours is a cool seventy bucks. I am somewhat ashamed that other than the first year I attended, I have never paid full boat retail. My trick is to arrive around 11:30 am and park just down the street from the Ritz and walk on in. During that walk there is always a bunch of guys who got there at 9:30 and are now leaving. I just walk up to one of them and offer them $25 for their ticket. Has worked four different years. This year the event organizers wised up and had folks leaving get a reentry stamp on their wrist. As this policy was related to this olelongrooffan, I pulled a bottle of water from my handy backpack (you are welcome for the other one Mad Hungarian) and suggested he pour some on his stamp and then held my wrist to his and it partially transferred. It was good enough to get this olelongrooffan by those gate monitors and I skated on in to check out the new C7 and hook up with an automotive trivia knowing Hoon.
But I digress. Now back to the GT40s. I don’t know how many of these Ferrari beaters were made by FOMOCO back in the day but knowing the provenance required to get an invite to this event, I am confident each of these machines shown in this post are noteworthy.
And what self respecting Hoon would do a post about Ford GT40s and not include an image of the “Gurney Bubble”?
Sorry about the quality of this image (we all know about my elcheapoebayacquired image taker) but I found it humorous that no matter how rare or expensive a vehicle can be, a battery jump starter is much appreciated when necessary to motor to the podium to collect a trophy.
And just some tail end goodness for my fellow Hoons, especially $kaycog. And yes, that is Event Honoree Sam Posey’s lime green Challenger race car across the lake in the background these two images.
Trust this olelongrooffan when I say that the cars weren’t the only eye candy on this golf course that Sunday. That number 6 in the center captured the Concours d’Sport trophy.
Yet another GT40 in almost Gulf livery. And US flag lawn chairs for the win. Take that Ferrari.
Now this olelongrooffan’s shitty ass point and shoot may have captured a blurry image of that yellow Mark IV profile but this image of the ass end of it turned out just find. This one, and another red one, were the first ones this olelongrooffan had ever seen.
And another.
The engine compartment of one of those sweeties.
And yet another with a different rear deck and those awesome stacks.
Now I don’t know for sure if all of these cars are real Ford GT40 or whether they are continuation cars but ya know what Hoons, I don’t really care. They all are super nice and this olelongrooffan is happy to be able to share them with you.
Look! There’s a 507! Gotta Go!
Images Copyright Hooniverse 2013/longrooffan
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