Last Friday, our esteemed Mr. Emslie asked, “Non-Round Steering Wheels, Brah! or Blah?” Many of our readers cited specific cars thus equipped in their responses (amiable, informative, and entertaining—as always). Unfortunately, the hivemind didn’t produce a definitive list of every car that had something other than a perfectly circular steering wheel. So, let’s keep the irregularly shaped party going. Do us a favor and add an example to our virtual encyclopedia entry today. The Caveats (there are always caveats):
- Production road cars only. No customs, purpose-built race cars, or back-alley hack jobs. Otherwise we could post funny cars, dragsters, and F1 cars until the cows came home and the Interweb tubes were full.
- It should actually have a wheel. Tillers and skid steers would be a humorous first post, but would get old quickly.
- Motorcycles? See caveat directly above.
- Airplanes? Oh, I should slap you for just suggesting it. There are twenty-three gazillion non-round control yokes in planes from Cessnas to military transports. We’re NOT going there today.
- Boats or ships? [Insert Captain Picard facepalm GIF here].
Difficulty: If you go current, not to hard. Not much low-hanging fruit if you want to go vintage. How This Works: Read the comments first and don’t post duplicates! Bonus points for adding photos. Image Sources: LOW-RIDER’s Photobucket account, (but quite likely ripped off from Car & Driver or some other legitimate site)
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