Last week, C-pillar buttresses got a whole lotta’ love from our commenters, therefore, I thought it prudent to let you explore that topic in depth today. Since what constitutes a buttress is up to debate, I thought I would open it up to anything with inset backlight glass. An amazing number of vehicles have back windows that are not flush with the roof profile. A definitive list of these is what we’re after here.
The Caveats (there are always caveats):
- It’s an all-skate. Customs, race cars, prototypes, concept cars — go wild.
- If you can come up with a motorcycle or airplane that fits this category, please feel free to get in there and put your thing down.
Difficulty: This one is pretty straightforward. No combat bonus pay today.
How This Works: Read the comments first and don’t post duplicates! Bonus points for adding photos.
Image Source: Wiki-freakin’-pedia.
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