Not long after the previous Citroën sighting of the LNA, we stumbled upon one of many beater Citroën CX:s with chrome bumpers running around the city. Yeah, where up here in the north you’d only really see beat-to-hell Xantias, in Amsterdam it’s ridiculously easy to see a CX still doing service despite a few knocks in the body. Nowadays, CX:s are mostly feared and revered and no-one dares leave them in anything than passable condition; in Amsterdam, they’re just old cars to their owners and nothing major.
This brown one naturally made it to BCAS almost immediately, but I also shot a silver one on my trip.
The CX has been reversed into from many directions, and a lot of the panels are mismatched. Judging by the looks, it also hasn’t been washed by anything else than rainwater for a good while. It’s probably kissed a street pole a couple of times in its past.
In addition, here’s the silver one. It’s marginally tidier, but in no way a show car – just a runabout with still the street cred few cars can match. It also proudly displays the softest-looking rear spoiler ever, and the convex rear screen. It’s magnificent.
[Images: Copyright 2013 Hooniverse/Antti Kautonen]
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