An eBay seller whose screen name seemed familiar has decided to let this Subaru 360 go with no reserve. As of this writing, that means a little over a grand. It runs and drives, but needs attention. The paint’s not bad by our standards, but most would call it crappy. The driver’s side floor has some rust, but none of it’s on the structural parts. Apparently the car spent most of its life sitting indoors, and has only 49k miles.
Sure, it’s rough, but it’s nowhere near the truly dilapidated shape many microcars are in after years as neglect or abuse…and hey: $1000!
eBay Motors auction ends today!
Hat tip to Jeremy aka DamnElantra!
Don't Let this '69 Subaru 360 Slip Through Your Fingers
no more tips for mr mad science!
My bad. Credit where due.
I like it. The price is right, the mileage is low, the color is neat, and its a 360!
I saw one of these at the '69 or '70 Chicago Auto show when I was 14 and I loved it. My parent's best friends had an Isetta at around the same time so the idea of a microcar wasn't that weird to me.
A couple of years later I was hitchhiking home on I-55 from central to northern Illinois and got picked up by one. Gads it was scary!! I wish the pictures here had a person standing next to the car to give some perspective as to just how small this thing is. -
It's cute as a button!!
About the same size as one too, and $1000 is expensive for a button.
All kidding aside, I can appreciate it, but not for me. -
Id like to jump on something like that given more disposable income. Thats real cool. Though not as cool as the 360 van that was posted here a few weeks ago.
Im not linking to it cuz im lazy but im sure someone else will -
There's a yellow one of these that tools around Frankfort from time to time. With the black fabric roof, it looks unfortunately similar to Luigi from Cars. I had the distinct happenstance fortune of pulling next to it in traffic with the Angstmobile last summer – blasted thing was shorter than the hood, but every bit as impressive in its own midgetized way. Predictably, its driver seemed unimpressed – perhaps even Whole-Foods greenwash-disgusted – with my land barge. Had I not thought his own car was perversely cool, I would (and could) have squashed it with mine like the insect it is.
But if I did that, I couldn't buy it someday, maybe, in an alternate universe where I'm not fat – so I didn't. I'm a nice guy that way.-
Luigi is a FIAT 500. I drive one with some modifications- 650cc engine from a FIAT 126, wider track and wheels, different gear ratios. Great fun in city traffic, excellent for stealing tiny parking spaces, and will beat almost anything away from the lights for the first 3 car-lengths or so. At 6 feet and 180 lbs, I just about fit…
Not quite vanly enough. Tempting, but I'm waiting for the box.
So cute! I want to carry this one around in my truck…. It's become a common wish when I find micro-cars…
A girlfriend of mine got one those BMW Mini-Coopers right when they first came out. When I first got my Coupe Z, I noticed she was back to driving her old beat-up Toyota P-U. I asked her what was up and she said, "You'll see… Your days of driving around with a beer between your legs are OVER! Every ass-hat that ever lived is going to have something to say, and loudly, and people are going to hang out the windows of their cars to take pictures with their cell phones, and whether you want to or not, you're screaming, "Look at Me, Look at Me!"
She was sooo right. -
i like it ! HOW MUCH IS IT ?
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