Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer.
I wanna’ fly like an eagle, ’til I’m free… Oops, sorry. Who knew that there would be so many cool ways to get in the air, and spend lots of money, on the globe’s non-aviation classifieds? I in fact became particularly smitten with one particular offering from those found last week. We’ll get to which one really blew my skirt up in a minute, but first, this week’s business.
This week we want to get back down to Earth. In fact, we want to crawl around on its surface with abandon. What’s the best way to do that? Well, a pretty good one is in a CJ-model Jeep. Of course that may be a little too common for our adventure so this week I want you to find us all a bunch of Jeep CJ competitors. All I ask is that they have the ability to go topless and be four-wheel drive.
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Follow any of the following advice and you’re crap will be known far and wide.
- Easiest way to not get caught in the spam filters is to create an IntenseDebate account. If you do so and your posts aren’t appearing, let us know at tips@hooniverse.info and we can put you on the whitelist
- If you don’t want an IDC account, you can create a wordpress.com account and do the same thing.
- If you’re the Ted Kaczynski type and don’t want any kind of account, then try to place only a single link in a comment and just drop any outgoing link in via its raw URL and not as a text link.
Got that? Now let’s fly.
Are you plane crazy? No? Well, last week’s plethora of planes might just make you so. There were so many cool ways to grab some air that it was hard to choose one above all others. That was, until I came across the Polaris inflatable boat ultralight found on eBay by Murdibubble. Let me just say that again: inflatable boat ultralight. This freakin’ thing is a boat and an airplane. At £17,000 (about $29,000 US) it’s not cheap, but it does come with a trailer so you can take it on the road too. That’s three means of travel in one amazing ride. I for one would be all over this if I had, you know, money. Way to go, Murdibubble!
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