Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer.
Five grand will buy you a lot of car. Hell, it’ll buy you a lot of cars if your tastes aren’t that discriminating. Last week we narrowed down that five-grand price limit to the biggest bang for the buck you could find. We’ll see who’s banging the most in a sec, but first, this week’ quixotic quest.
There’s a threshold in the automotive world that took place about 1985. Cars before then—with a few exceptions—were generally crap. After that year however, cars started to drive and perform more closely to today’s standards. There’s one car that seemed to bridge that gap, and in fact to run counter to the standards of its multiple eras. That car is Porsche’s 928. Seeing as how that car today runs the gamut from un-loved fright pig to connoisseur collector cream puff, it’s an excellent quarry. Let’s see what might be the best deal on a 928 out there. Money is no object.
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.
In the context of our usage, “bang” is a euphemism for performance, while buck is a slang term for the standard base unit of American paper currency, the dollar. In that case, bang for the buck means the most performance for the least amount of money.
That was for the newbies. The rest of you obviously knew what it meant because you came up with some fitting contenders that really banged for few bucks. What was perhaps the most revealing was how many non-automotive options were offered. GTXcellent offered a crazy cool Olds 455-powered speed boat (with trailer) as an option, which is just like a car only with bikinis. I see nothing wrong with that equation. Also eschewing four wheels, only this time for two, the ever reliable kiefmo gave us a Suzuki ‘Busa’ under our arbitrary but oh so important price limit. When death arrives, it will be riding a Busa, which will likely kill it.
Citric and smalleyxb122 both wanted us to get on the bus, but the biggest bang in my opinion (and I am the arbitrator here, it’s true) was the 1995 Nissan 200SX located by nanoop and which comes with a Totalpris of 30,000 somethings and offers up more than 300 horsepower, or so it is claimed.
Thanks to you all for spending some imaginary money, and congrats to nanoop for bringing the biggest bang. Now, let’s go Porsche hunting!
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