Welcome to Craigslist Crapshoot, our weekly search for the most bizarre, awesome, and/or terrible vehicles that the online classifieds has to offer.
Last week’s search target was the last of any series that was rear-wheel drive that later went FWD. Yes, that’s a particularly convoluted and specific request, but then, I’m high maintenance. We’ll see what you all were able to maintain in a sec, but first this week’s convoluted and specific challenge.
I think it’s time we all visit a bordello together. Come on, it’ll be fun. No, we’re not actually going to jump on a bus and head over to Madam Mattress Flipper’s, we’re going to gain the experience vicariously (which means without having to touch anything nasty). What we want this week are the cars with the most outrageously bordello-like interiors you can find. The redder and velour-ier the better.
As always, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Since we’ve changed commenting systems, you may need to update your commenter account. Make sure you have a Disqus account – they’re free and easy to get – and then comment away.
As many of you might know, I own a 1998 Volvo V90 wagon. This is the last year for the 900 series and the last year for any RWD Volvo to date. There are certain advantages to RWD: amazing turning circle, more entertaining handling, the ability to fit a straight six under the hood and not have it look weird.
Of course there are benefits to FWD too, packaging and traction being utmost among those. That’s why so many car makers have made the switch over the years to FWD for most of their models.
Screw that however, we want our RWD-ers and last week you found some excellent last of the Mohicans for us to drool over and lament an era’s passing. One that looked pretty great was this 1987 Buick Regal coupe rocking T-tops and a Turbo 6 found by Kiefmo. Keeping the what-up GM? theme going, 1977ChevyTruck located this rocker Nova that shows that Chevy had some cred in the ’70s.
The most lamentable once RWD/now FWD? Well, for my money (which is pretty limited, did I mention I own and old Volvo?) I think this sweet ’82 Mazda 626 found by PotBellyJoe★★★★★ is the one that really speaks for an era: that time when Japanese car makers were still a little too scared to go FWD in the U.S. as it was so foreign a concept. The best rear-driver out there? Hell no. One that’s all kinds of interesting? You bet.
Congrats to PBJStarfish and thanks to you all for playing!
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