It’s Wednesday and that must mean it’s time for Craigslist Crapshoot. Last week I asked you to find Faux-Caminos and Rank-cheros, cars that had been converted to pickups that never ever should have been. Many were found, most were crap, but one stood tall above the others as the king of the freak show fodder we crave every week. More on that after the jump, but first, this week’s assignment.
This week I want K-Cars. Chrysler wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for Fiat Lee Iacocca the K Car. Not only were they the savior of the brand back in the ’80s, but they served as the platform for a plethora of cars and vans that had the imperishability of a tissue box. Those are the Ks I want you to find. The worse the better, as long as they’re running.
And as usual, we want your finds to go down in infamy and not in the site’s spam filter. Follow any of the following advice and you’re crap will be known far and wide.
- Easiest way to not get caught in the spam filters is to create an IntenseDebate account. If you do so and your posts aren’t appearing, let us know at and we can put you on the whitelist
- If you don’t want an IDC account, you can create a account and do the same thing.
- If you’re the Ted Kaczynski type and don’t want any kind of account, then try to place only a single link in a comment and just drop any outgoing link in via its raw URL and not as a text link
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