Yes, we’re all grown-ups here. Well, most of us are, anyhow. But many of us still indulge ourselves in some rather childish hobbies.
I am no exception, and judging by the eruption of photos I have seen on my Facebook page recently, I am certainly not alone in that. I am gradually creating a little shrine to my favourite vehicles on my mantlepiece — although I’m now pretty much out of room, so it’s time for my shrine to get moved to various display locations around my home.
I suspect we have a fair number of like-minded individuals around the Hooniverse; how have you managed to display your favourite replicas? Are you a purist, insisting that they must remain in their packaging? Or are you like myself, and require that tactile feedback to really appreciate the quality of the re-creation? Are you older than thirty years old, and still occasionally find yourself making engine noises with your mouth as you push those tiny vehicles around on your tabletop?
It’s confession time, so open up and admit it. We won’t judge you, we promise.
Confession Time: Show Us Your Toys
72 responses to “Confession Time: Show Us Your Toys”
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I know it isn't replica's but it is fun trying to build my favorite auto stuff out of LEGO.
I'll readily give you a free pass on that one. Toys are toys, and anything that resists the temptation to grow old is endorsed enthusiastically in my books.
Thanks! I did remember I could include the collection I am starting in the shop.
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That's awesome! My inner child salutes you!
Still trying to figure out how to post images 🙁 but here is a blog I did about this last year.… -
My appreciation of the Thunderbolt is at 1:64 scale:
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And elsewhere in my apartment, there are a few 1:25 reminders of a previous job:
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I also have a couple more 1:50 construction equipment toys at work, usually engaged in their own little war under my monitor. -
Sorry, my childishness only goes as far as my PS3 and Wii. I finally put my last Maisto Beetle (a black '50 model with wide whitewalls) in its box and stuck it in a closet a few months ago. All I have that's even remotely close is a killer set of cast iron horses with wagons carrying various items. One's a mail carrier, an ice wagon, one with beer barrels, and a few others. It was my grandma's, and I coveted it for years, ever since I was a wee lad. It was my Christmas present 2 years ago, and is highly treasured. Maybe I can get a shot of it posted later. Trust me though, it is pure awesome.
<img src=""> Good times at Santa Fe Speedway…
<img src="" width = 700> The only shot of my display cabinet; there's lots of other stuff in there. The white Granada is what the family bomber in my Eleanor post looked like for maybe the first 2 years it was "new".
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If only I were a better driver… The co-driver is my wife: the inside joke is we would kill each other in those roles.
And going WAAAY back to my even nerdier days:
<img src="" width = 700>
Huh. Alan Kulwicki left huge shoes to fill. Maybe if I hadn't hated Calculus so much…
I have a bunch of assorted Hoon-approved Hotwheels and Matchbox on my desk at home, but never thought to take a picture of them.
(shameless plug: more info on all of the above can be found at my website.-
Those blue demo derby cars…are you sure those aren't Lemons cars?
Here are a few of my toys. Most of my toys, including my model aircraft, are still boxed up in the basement.
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Dearthair may recognize the moose.-
Bwahahaha! Glad to see it didn't just get the ole heave-ho!
Nope. Normally it sits on top of my computer. His head bobbles when I print something. It makes me laugh.
Simple minds, simple pleasures.
I have two Mini Automoblox on my office desk right now (yes I recently became employed again after an agonizing 7 months).
The house has some transformers, some 1:18 Mustangs, 1:18 Ford GT and some Mustang metal signs in the garage.
The wife keeps her Hotwheels collection on the microwave, for some weird reason.
I'm not a big toy collector 🙁 -
Man, I hope these images don't destroy the Hooniverse:
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This is my desk and bookshelf at work, respectively. -
Heh heh… as if there really would be that much difference?
Santa Fe pioneered the "Team Demo" concept. It was rounds of elimination with 8 teams of 4 cars each, facing off two teams at a time. The object was to get one individual car to successfully complete 5 laps on a 1/4-mile clay oval. So teams would build cars to fulfill roles and plot strategy to match. It was brilliant!
My collection is made to represent a fictional "blue team". The wagon is a hasty repaint of a car bought from the eliminated "red team". I never could settle on a fourth car, so in the meantime it can be anything I want it to. -
Thank you…..I'll see what I can come up with. 🙂
That's naughty! You're naughty!
Well, we both really have some high dollar Hot Wheels. I bet we could get $5 out of them. 😉
Lego Ferrari, what else can I say
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It does remarkably well on the tracks with the superchargers. Quite a few of the fully exposed wheel cars do, but sooner or later the front axle gets tweaked. My boy could never understand how my '32 Deuce roadster would beat his "race cars".
I know I've said it before on here, but I love model cars that look like the ones you would see in your average parking lot. No fancy paint jobs, no exotic cars, just the very-possibly-most-boring-to-anyone-else car collection imaginable.
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And, here is the major part of my bar stool in progress project too….
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Reminds me of the collection I put together as a kid, now safely packed away in storage. Trucks, normal cars, some Hot Wheels, all showing lots of hard miles on linoleum and carpet. Whenever I move out my crummy little apartment into a real house they will be on display once again.
The crown jewels are my James Bond Aston Martin, the Batmobile, and a NYFD hook and ladder truck, Corgis. -
That is awesome! I'm on the same page with you on collecting the most "boring" models possible.. Everybody's got a damn Ferrari but how many Mavericks are out there, eh?
i agree
im not a fan of collecting exotic cars
i collect more down to earth cars as they are more rare in terms of diecast cars since there are so many diecast cars tht look the same but different companies
ps i had the same silver grand cherokee…then the left rear part of the axle broke( put the suspension under too much stress :P) and after tht i kept it for a few years hoping to repair it or salvage parts…..neiither happened though i did open it up but i was then forced to throw it away due to a recent move 🙁
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That f100 is cool
And the winner is: Mattel. I do have the gold Ford GT Treasure Hunt. I bought it on eBay for $5, postage included.
And the winner still is: Mattel. -
And the winner is: Mattel. I do have the gold Ford GT Treasure Hunt. I bought it on eBay for $5, postage included.
And the winner still is: Mattel. -
You must have seen my comment before I edited it?
I'll try to shed some light on this since I kinda AM one of those people that leave the majority of cars in the blistercard. For me and many others, some of the cars have excellent artwork on the blistercards that corresponds to that particular car. In fact, most of the cars I've purchased from are real gems. And in fact, a small number of them are worth significantly more than what I paid. True, there are those with pie-in-the-sky dreams of their collection being worth big dollars in the future, but most of the guys and gals that are really into these cars realize that it's a fool's errand to ever think you will get much more than what you paid for it. In fact, most of the mainline cars wind up being worth LESS than the dollar you paid for them unless it's a Treasure Hunt/Error/Rare variation.
Maybe I'm keeping most of mine carded in a psychological fake-out to myself to make up for the hundreds of Redlines ('68-'77) that met their maker on Dad's workbench. A ten-year-old with readily accessible power tools does not bode well for a toy collection.-
you are awesome in my book.
Hit up ebay and look for the Hot Wheels Aerostar. It was a very popular casting from 1986 all the way through the 90's. The first version was in the "Flip-Outs" line that had a tab to make them roll over in a wreck.
I've got the "Rollerblade" Hot Wheels Aerostar, but love how you made yours into the "sport" model with the running boards and the paint and everything! NICE!
Here's the assortment currently living on my desk hutch:
<img src="http://www/" width=700> -
Yay! And guess what? I now have both the blue and the white. They are the same #39. I was telling a friend about me having the blue one, but not the white. He went to WalMart this evening and will be dropping by with the white one. So, now you gotta get the blue one. Who's the winner now? (Oh yeah, Mattel still.)
<img src="!Be094vwCGk~$(KGrHqQH-CQEri(JFre8BK-0)tysbg~~_35.JPG"> -
Here are a few of my favorites, the ones that made it out of storage in spite of co-habitation. The wife lets me keep these in the living room, so it's not so bad. 🙂 If I clean up the bar room she is willing to let me set up a Lionel track! But that means I gotta clean up the garage to put the spare car parts out there first. (chuckle)
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1957 Ford Obsession. (And small cheap crappy cars too)
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Datsun 411s! From the time WAAAAY back before 510s.
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Rare vintage Ultraman piggy bank from my time in Japan, given to me over 20 years ago.
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This will probably come as a surprise to you, but I have a bunch of toy Ford GT's.
I have 50 of them, made by Hot Wheels, Johnny Lightning and Matchbox. They are hanging together on my garage wall in their original packages. In my computer room/office/den/guest bedroom, I have my pride and joy……a 1/12 scale red Ford GT, with a 1/64 scale red Hot Wheels Ford GT sitting beside it. One of my Hot Wheels (a Red Line) is a factory 'goof'. It is a yellow Ford GT with the passenger window painted yellow to match the body. Oh, yeah, I also have a Hot Wheels remote control Ford GT which is about 5" long.-
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I can relate.
I have rather conveniently just dusted and rearranged my diecast shelves just this week. I apologize in advance for the image-heaviness of the following post.
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I wish I actually had slot car track in that scale.
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One of these shelves recently cost me a fair chunk of change.
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This one's not so9 much a toy as it is an entire Radio Shack clearance section.
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AWD kit? Check. 4 extra sets of treaded and slick tires? Check? Light kits? Check.
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Not a toy per se, but an new addition to the collection.-
That Lincoln Presidential is all kinds of awesome. Who made it?
Kind of ironic, it's a Yatming. I don't think they have a 'Chairman Mao Series,' but they have a 'Presidential Series.' Very nicely detailed, though.…
Awesome! I might need to blow my next paycheck on Legos now.
Wow… after a hellish week I finally have the presence of mind to check in, and it's a topic like bait. Well played! I have WAY more diecasts & models than any 32-year-old should. Most are still boxed following a recent move & priorital shift, but some gems are still on display:
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These are HO-scale of various provenance, painted and detailed by me, and roam my HO railroad layout
<img src="" width = 700> My backyard planter in its uncovered state, 1/64 scale. How I wish the garage were real, then it might not be a planter.
<img src="" width = 700> Made this one for my brother… after 2 years of stormchasing, the van bit it in 2008. He still has it though. Old Fords can't be killed, they just go dormant.
<img src="" width = 700> The Angstombile Cometh (custom Yatming, 1/64)-
An Aerostar? soooooooo jealous! sweet!!!!!!
Those blue demo derby cars…are you sure those aren't Lemons cars?
Good stuff! Love the Presidential "back and to the left" limo. 😉
A quick snap of what's on my desk at work…a ton more at home.
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A quick snap of what's on my desk at work…a ton more at home.
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What did the fried pistons belong to? They're cute little things, so I imagine some high-RPM 2 stroke carnage.
Quite right. The carnage is from a '73 Kawasaki Mach 1 250 triple.
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The intact piston is from one of my beloved Honda MB5s, which always remained 100% carnage-free, despite amazing abuse.
Thanks, all of you, for making me realize I need to unearth all my old model cars the next time I visit my folks, and then construct shelves in my office/studio/worthless empty room so I can prominently display them.
Frankly, I'm ashamed of myself for having not already done this. -
Thanks, all of you, for making me realize I need to unearth all my old model cars the next time I visit my folks, and then construct shelves in my office/studio/worthless empty room so I can prominently display them.
Frankly, I'm ashamed of myself for having not already done this. -
Ooooh, I like! How big is it?
That's a new-ish model, it's the GT40 LM. Or it might be called a Ford GT LM, give me a minute and I'll dig one up to verify that. Okay, just pulled one out of the box and it's a 2009 New Model Ford GT LM. If you can't find one in your area, drop me a line and I'll happily send one to you. I'm like a junkie for these cars, probably have 4-5k, but no decent camera so I will not be posting any pics.
I thought that was Old Number Three on your avatar.
New HotWheels… I actually just picked this exact one up myself a couple days ago! Mine is a goof as well, it's painted as a "Ford G" (the "T" got cut off).
Yes, that one is my all-time favorite. I would SO rock a real one of those…wide meats and all.
Thank you…..I'll see what I can come up with. 🙂
I've got a few others, but these are the ones that I display (but they are displayed all over, so I consolidated for the purpose of this photo). I limit displayed models to vehicles that I've actually owned. There are several vehicles that I've owned that I haven't yet found models of (and the '98 Buick Skylark might be a lost cause)
Counter clockwise from the bottom left:
Triumph Spitfire
AW11 MR2
AW11 MR2 with T-tops
Nissan Maxima
Jeep Cherokee
Triumph Daytona
Checker Marathon
Jaguar XJ-S
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On a good day during a blue moon, maybe. I don't understand Hot Wheels collectors at all. That first Treasure Hunt series? Unobtanium at any price (well, figuratively speaking). The rest? Worthless, even though the same limited quantities were made.
My favorite though is the theory of locking these things unopened in protecto-paks so they'll be "worth more". Yeah. Surrrre they will… worry not about the other thousands of middle middle-agers with the same idea. Supply will more than amply meet demand when they are ready to sell. -
I've got an assortment of RX-7 models / die-casts / matchbox / and RC cars, and have held on to a few other make matchbox / hotwheels from growing up. Everything from the 1/10th scale yokomo GTR-RTR RX-7 (unfortunately with veilside body kit, but they can't all be great) through a few 1/18th scale 3rd gens, down to 5 or 6 matchbox / hotwheels 3rd gens, and amazingly a 79 RX-7 that I still have from when the car was new.
I'd add pics, but still being at work and most of the collection being in various boxes from last summers move means I can only describe.
As for office toys, I spent a number of years with a rotor and housing sitting on the corner of my desk…might have to bring that one in to the new job soon as well. -
Here's some just for you, Skay… my new "Ford G" (so new I haven't opened it yet), and one of the true prizes in my 1/64 collection: a scarce Siku GT40. Opening doors FTW!
<img src="http://www/" width=700> -
Here's nearly all my 1:18 collection.
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Some 1:24 scale goodies, including an original '66 Riviera dealer promo I scored for my dad on eBay a couple Father's Days ago.
<img src="" width="800" height="600" />
More 1:24 scale stuff, and a few 1:64 scale items (some of them hidden), plus a pennant from my alma mater, some Lego Techinic figures…and Mr. Peanut! -
Hi Guys! Newbie here. I am an old Bimmer nut, so here's a few of mine (hope the pics work):
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My toys are dusty, the little ones are in a drawer as the walls get painted and they lost their display case. The 1/26 are a caddy with real gold trim and leather upholstery, also very dusty, and a Buick and Ford. Let's see if I can get these buggers to post.
Okay so I love some remote control and radio control, plus cycling so here we go…
My Buggy
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One of the old remote control tractors I have
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Sam and my mountain bike (I have four other bikes too)
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My version of art…
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and of course Jeepy
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My shop full of toys…
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Okay so I love some remote control and radio control, plus cycling so here we go…
My Buggy
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One of the old remote control tractors I have
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Sam and my mountain bike (I have four other bikes too)
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My version of art…
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and of course Jeepy
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My shop full of toys…
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Hi, i must say fantastic blog you have, i stumbled across it in Yahoo. I bought myself the r 230kk Microwave. Its just a pleasure to use.
Great post!
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