Kit cars – most of which were based on the Volkswagen Beetle platform, usually consist of fiberglass body and doors, and then you are to provide the VW pan and drive train. Craigslist versions however, offer way more. Buying any used classic can be a roll of the dice, but Kit Cars in particular seem to be a thrill ride of incomplete builds, and a hodgepodge of configurations, containing random components from decades past. A quick search provided these six examples of fiberglass wonderment, that started out as someone’s dream and then slowly slipped away into yard hindrance and garage obstructions . Enjoy your Friday, fiber up, and maybe purchase a project which you have no intention of completing either.
Brazilian made Ventura looks to have been on broil for the last decade.
Chimo, made by Customotive Inc., was an electric kit car long before that was a good idea.
Bradley comes with no gullwing doors, and you have to fetch it from Alabama. Bulk up on cassettes for your journey home.
Invader GT is 99% complete, which means you have to install the engine. Door mounted telephone pad is a nice addition.
Sterling offers aging digital interior technology, along with need to do fiberglass work ( which is the worst job on Earth). Bonus points for elevating canopy top.
I am excited to inform you, that this car in the photo is not what you’ll be purchasing.
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