Found on Craigslist: Merkur XR4Ti
Do you ever think to yourself “Gee, Fords are neat and all, but not quite special enough”? I was perusing my local Craigslist (as I often do), and came across this XR4Ti. I’m no expert on 1980s Ford products, but this sure does look nice to my untrained eyes. I’ve been MIA for some time, and figured…
For Sale: Corniche Coupe
I have a particular admiration for Rolls-Royce. I do, however, dislike rear doors. Adding to this issue is the fact that I also dislike non-roadster convertibles. That leaves us with coupes. Rolls-Royce hasn’t traditionally been known as a maker of “drivers’ cars”, of course, so where do I turn? I’d fancy a Camargue, but the…
Wagon Wednesday: Volkswagen Passat W8 Wagon
I was out perusing Craigslist again (when will I learn?), and stumbled upon quite the rarity: a manual-transmission-equipped Passat W8 wagon. For the longest time, I was convinced that these were a myth, a Teutonic creature created to strike awe and fear into our hearts. Well, my heart may not fear it, but my wallet…
Craigslist: 1980 Mercedes Benz 280SL with a manual transmission
I like the Mercedes-Benz SL. Actually, let me rephrase that: I like the SL up until the end of the R129-era car. The newer ones do absolutely nothing for me, but the classics have always been the archetypal open-topped grand tourer in my mind. Unfortunately, to Americans, grand tourer means automatic everything. Which is a shame…
SACREBLEU!!! Or: Citroën H-van Makes Me Swoon.
My love for all things Citroën should come as no surprise to you. I, being the masochist that I am, love to peruse Craigslist for all things French and bizarre, and happened to run across this. If you’re an eccentric bohemian who finds Volkswagens to be far too mainstream, this just may be the perfect…
Ford Sale: Thunderbird Wagon
First of all: the third generation Ford Thunderbird is a gorgeous car. Second: wagons, especially in two (three?) door form are awesome. Combine the two, and you get this. Just look at it. I probably shouldn’t lust after a car, but if that’s wrong, lock me up.
For Sale: AMC Spirit AMX
Clearly, I’m a masochist, given the number of classic car ads I’ve gone through despite not having the ability to get one. Well, here’s another one. This one is a bit more special then most. Muscle car fans worth their salt should be well aware of the 1968-1970 AMC AMX. Fewer know about the AMX…
For Sale: a Trio of Coupes
While Volvo’s 200 Series is respected by the lunatic fringe cultured car enthusiasts, most of that love is directed toward the 240 Turbo. My love, on the other hand, tends to go to the black sheep of the family: the 262C. In my never-ending quest to find a 262C with a manual transmission, I came across an unusual…
For Sale: FIAT 600 Multipla
There are few things I love more than rear-engined Italian microcars. Amongst those few are rear-engined Italian microvans. Signore e signori, I give you the FIAT 600 Multipla. The FIAT 600 (pronounced say-chento) little-loved big brother to the 500. In an effort to bolster 600 sales, FIAT put together a tiny van using bits and pieces from the…
Auto Trader Find of the Week: Pontiac 6000 STE
The 1980s must have been an interesting decade. I wasn’t around then, but I imagine that once you got past the cocaine and the leg warmers, you could find some pretty neat cars. Many of the enthusiast icons of that decade are European (read: F40) or Japanese (read: Corolla GT-S). America, on the other hand,…