Project Car SOTU: A Tale of Two Unicorns
After many, many years of kinda looking, then serious looking, I had acquired my high school dream car. Then after a few months, I sold it. The problem? It wasn’t exactly my high school dream car. It was close – a horse with a horn duct-taped to its forehead – but not quite. But the…
It's the New Year. Are You Completely Lost?
Confusion caused by the changing of the year? A continuing 2014-induced hangover? General malaise? All of these can be cured by the purchase of a shiny new 2015 Hooniverse Calendar! It’s got 13 months, because we are generous like that, a nice metal binding to allow for lay-flatiness, a clean white background for all your…
Winter Flashback: The Pittsburgh Parking Chair
While much of the country basks in early-spring sunshine, as they have for the past, oh several million years, others of us in northern climes have been struggling to survive yet another arctic blast or polar vortex or whatever they are calling it this time around. Yes, it snowed again today in Salt Lake City,…
K-Car Abomination Gives Man (another) Stroke
“[sc:ebay itemid=”370792328361″ linktext=”What fresh hell is this?” ]” Might be one response to the above photo. Or, “it looks like a 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 era Corvette.” Perhaps even a “Ferrari” or “Thunderbird.” But if you’re Hooniverse’s own Jim Brennan, the reaction is, “It’s giving me another stroke just looking at it…”
A Race Rookie at Sears Pointless 2013
As you may have seen in previous posts, two of your trusty Hooniverse correspondents were able to finagle their way onto a real-life racing team… well, a 24 Hours of LeMons team at least. Sure, they might be $500 cars, but the experience is about the most fun a person can have for any price.…
FX32 Lemons Build Update: The Final Edition
It’s been a long and harrowing journey, but there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. The Frankenstein’s monster known as the FX32 has neared completion (there are some loose ends to zip-tie up) and rests today on a trailer, ready to be hauled to its eventual destruction glory on the smooth pavement…
Hooniverse Weekend Edition – That weird new guy and his weird car fetish
Editors Note: This weekend, Hooniverse will be running a series of posts introducing you to some of the new writers who are now in our part of the Hooniverse. This time it’s Ray Lindenburg who is afflicted with the same weird car bug that seems to infect the rest of us. Let Ray know how…
Trackday Thursday: Miller Motorsports Park
Yesterday, I spent $25 to drive about six and a half miles. And it was awesome. Let’s face it, at some point all of us are going to have to pay to drive our cars somewhere – and that’s setting aside the obvious fuel, insurance and car payment bills. Tolls and other fees are a…
Two Wheel Tuesday: Moto Monday – Which Happened Yesterday Of Course
Salt Lake City should be a mecca for gearhead culture in the United States: wide, straight streets practically begging for impromptu street drag racing (don’t do this), close proximity to the world famous Bonneville Salt Flats, and more recently, the Miller Motorsports Park. But in the home of conservative politics and even more conservative lifestyles,…
Truck Thursday: 1990 Utilimaster Aeromate on the Devil's Highway
Friday, 2:38 AM, Somewhere in the sprawling suburbs north of Dallas: I swipe my debit card through the reader at the gas station and furtively enter my PIN, hoping the taxi driver isn’t lurking somewhere nearby, shiv in hand, waiting to take my card, my PIN and whatever may be left of my checking account.…