Fixing My Weird Vintage Car with a Haynes Manual, Car Twitter, and No Skills or Experience (Pt3)
PART 3 OUT TO SEA (AND BACK) Part 1 https://hooniverse.com/fixing-my-weird-vintage-car-with-a-haynes-manual-car-twitter-and-no-skills-or-experience-pt1/ Part 2 https://hooniverse.com/fixing-my-weird-vintage-car-with-a-haynes-manual-car-twitter-and-no-skills-or-experience-pt2/ Over the course of about four hours, all I’d managed to do in my water pump replacement project (for my 1979 Alfa Romeo “Alfetta” Sport Sedan) was to drain the coolant and remove a belt between the alternator and water pump. I…
Fixing My Weird Vintage Car with a Haynes Manual, Car Twitter, and No Skills or Experience (Pt2)
PART 2 MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE? As you may remember from Part I, the situation was this: the water pump on my 1979 Alfa Romeo “Alfetta” Sport Sedan failed. One option was to find a qualified mechanic/shop in the Denver area to replace the part. The other option was to do the repair…
Fixing My Weird Vintage Car with a Haynes Manual, Car Twitter, and No Skills or Experience (Pt1)
PART 1 ALFA DOES THAT. (But I don’t.) I knew it was going to happen. I knew that, eventually, something was going to break on my car. But before we get to that, I need to tell you about the car itself. I bought it in the summer of 2019, back when my family and…