How's This For A Lifestyle Brand?
Because you need special shoes to stand on that gas pedal!
Hell. Yes. '15 American-LaFrance 14.5 liter Speedster … 'nuff Said.
No, this isn’t a replica of Lord Humungus’ chariot of death … it’s an American-LaFrance Speedster, circa 1915. This eBay find is so chock full of the primordial building blocks of unprecedented hooning potential that it’s difficult to summarize. Let’s begin with the fact that this is a factory-built race car constructed around that own…
Hooniverse Asks- Have You Ever Gotten the Boot?
We all know the drill; you come back to your car an find a narrow strip of paper flapping under one of the wiper arms. It’s a parking ticket, but as it was given to the car, and not to you, there’s an absence of ownership to the fine and you simply shrug it of…
Slackers Unite! …Tomorrow… Maybe
Just a quick note to let you all know: content may be slow and/or limited today. Mad_Science and Braff are mucking about with Der Uberbird, and I’m out working on the Corrado, so we’re pinning all our hopes and dreams on Graverobber and our assortment of occasional contributors. I know, how DARE those cars take…
Name That Part: Edition of Redundancies Edition
On Friday, Graverobber tied me up and locked me in a freezer so that he could take over Name That Part for his own nefarious purposes. Luckily, he provided me with plenty of Dilly Bars from Dairy Queen, so I didn’t mind too much. I am a little offended that not one of you came…
Streetwalker- Thunderbird's Not Just a Wine Edition
Starting in 1982, the Ford Thunderbird enjoyed a renaissance which extended through 1997. Here’s an LX model, looking a little worse for wear, from that last year of four-seater T-Birds to date.
It's 11:30, Do You Know Where Der Uberbird Is?
[singlepic id=482 w=640 h=480 float=center] No time at the LA Bureau for posting this weekend. It’s all cut, weld, grind, bondo, paint, repeat. Always repeat. Jump for the gallery.
Last Call- Them's The Brakes
Somebody breaks the fast Porsche’s brakes, and for heaven’s sakes we’ll do what it takes, to assure the 993 makes its race track ringing snakes through turns by the lakes, and never again wakes to such crushing mistakes as what did cause these brakes to suffer the toll that this takes.
Craigslist Egregiousness: Define "Project"…
This may well tie the E-Type “Project” we covered before for the Hooniverse Biggest Stretch of the Word Project Award. The ad is billed as a “73 Datsun Bulletside PreRunner project”, but typically we do not consider the automotive equivalent of a Popple to be a project. We consider it to be a pile of…
That GM's Such a Slut!
Over on the Jalopnik, I told you about a Porsche 944 that had an LS1 dropped under its hood- We got all nice pricy or crack pipy over this, and right now the consensus seems to be that fifteen large is pretty fair dinkum for that frankenporsche. It also seems that the Chevy 350 isn’t…
Best Roads: Prince Rupert to Terrace, BC
I was going to type a lengthy response to Graverobber’s Hooniverse Asks article earlier, but I realized I had a whole ton of photos that I’ve collected over time. So, since I can, I’m posting about it instead! And it seems to me it would make a great series for anyone planning a road-trip in…
The Pen Cost Nothing. Also: $446 and the Targa Trophy was Fun
You see, the pen was a giveaway. But it also cost me money, as you’ll learn. Read on Back in September, I was lucky enough to attend the Targa Trophy LA leg, shooting pictures and tagging along with Co-Hoon Jeff, Auto Blogger Extraordinaire Jonny Lieberman and former Jalopniker, Fiesta Agent and CrapCanAm honcho Andrew Didorosi.
The Otherwordly Howl of Turbonique
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPkxd7PYmTA[/youtube] Hi, I’m Turbonique. You may remember me from such thrilling films as, Rocket Drag Axle Zombies Attack (in Drag!) and Strict Products Liability My Ass! Do you folks realize that in the wild, carefree days of the ’60s, I sold rocket-powered insanity to a jubilant and un-litigious drag racing crowd? Relive the nostalgia through…
You Thought Malaise Era I Was Bad…
Those of you who lived through the first Malaise Era of the 1970s are old will remember the design tricks the domestic automakers used to try and spark some interest in their lackluster and uninspiring offerings. Tricks like, say, the infamous “Landau roof”.
Ouch- Wrecked Exotics Wants to Know; What Was This?
Wrecked Exotics is either the best site on the web, or the most tear-inducing. They’ve posted this pic on their home page and are taking guesses as to the make and model of this failed facelift recipient. If you think you know, head over and tell ’em. The winner gets $20! UPDATED
Reminder- Top Gear Returns This Sunday!
It’s been a few months, but the wait is almost over- Top Gear begins anew this Sunday night. For those of you with access to BBC Two, you should note that it starts at a non-traditional 9PM GMT time slot this time. What will be traditional is that there’s sure to be lots of Hammond…