Long has Southern California held the Informal Saturday Morning Car Show crown, what with Cars and Coffee Irvine and the Early Rodders show in La Canada Flintridge (or is that Montrose? Or is that Glendale?).
Sure, these events feature jaw-dropping machinery (and occasionally my jalopies), but there are two major problems with them: One, they are not in Northern California and Two, they are not held at the site of a Citroen-specific shop that’s been in operation since 1918.
(Take that, Taco Bell Parking Lot)
That’s right, Pa and Son Hanzel (the later known ’round here as VWMiniSpeedster) have decided to put on their deal at Hanzel Auto Body Works on the morning of July 9th.
Jump for Details
Well, there’s not that much more to it, detail-wise. The address is 456 23rd St in Oakland and things start at a refreshingly no-crazy-early 8:00am. Unfortunately, the actual lot where this is all going down will cost you about $7 in parking, none of which goes to the folks putting this on. Vehicular asshat-tery while coming and going is strongly discouraged, but you already knew that.
To explain the name and set the tone, we quote the organizers:
Artists, hipsters and ironic moustache enthusiasts have “First Fridays” (http://oaklandartmurmur.org/) to support Oakland’s art and cultural venues. “Seconds Saturdays” was concocted to support the culture of all things automotive. And by “support the culture of all things automotive” I mean come and hang out with your unique daily driver, “race car”, or trailer queen and check outwhat everyone else brought. We are equal-opportunity & non-discriminatory. Imperfections welcomed; the “seconds” of the automotive world. All years, makes, models and countries of origin are encouraged.
For even more details, and save-and-printability, check out the Seconds Saturdays Event Flier or and a little Background on Hanzel’s
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