…with, like, some sort of golden medieval warrior cuffs on her arms and legs…and really long hair, and big ol’ —”
“Now Bobby! When your father asked you what sort of mural he should paint on his Goldwing trike, I believe he had something more mature in mind. No grown man would ever —
…Dear, what are you smiling about? …Wait, why are you GIVING BOBBY A ‘HIGH FIVE’? OH, YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!”
[Image Source: shoutingthomas.typepad.com]
"A girl, wearing a bikini, riding a shark…"
52 responses to “"A girl, wearing a bikini, riding a shark…"”
That is the perfect paint job for that particular bike.
Riding a Goldwing trike is exactly like riding a shark. A nurse shark!
(That's a lame shark, right? I have no idea.)-
There are no lame sharks. I'd say a Goldwing trike's more like riding a grouper.
Yes, a nurse shark is lame, but trikes need a shark that is even more lame than that. I think she should have been riding on a shark that is EVEN MORE lame. I vote for a woebegong
<img src=http://underwateraustralasia.com/content/7381/wobbegong.jpg>-
Those are northern inland lake-dwellers, right? I've heard a few tales about 'em on the news.
Droll, Mr. Plushroom. Very droll.
They're Protestant.
Agree, he should try to take a submarine route.
Where's the frickin' laser?
<img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HW26vbc6cxU/TFcccOzKsaI/AAAAAAAAB6c/BMJwytVzlh4/s1600/austin+powers.jpg"> -
You neglected to mention that the bikini is made out of clam shells.
Bobby's dad actually added that detail after the fact.
There's a bearded-clam joke in there somewhere…
Points off for marine biology failure. The girl's legs should be bleeding by now. Shark skin is as rough as sandpaper. And we know what blood does to sharks.
I imagine you'd also want to ride before the dorsal fin I think, lest the twisting tail shake you off.
Nope. This girl is showing proper form:
<img src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMEB19rLwy05BLWZrO7fVSCfdQ4RPf_X5KKrTu4CMvFdq1Hl1UXg">-
Ah, then she probably just switched grips when it jumped up out of the water.
She's a goddess. Goddesses don't bleed — or chafe, apparently.
Or perhaps that's the the clamshells and the metal cuff thingies are for. You just have to be careful that those are the only parts that touch.
So much better than flames. So, so much better.
Maybe she should be carrying a flaming chainsaw.
<img src="http://theouterbox.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/betty-white-flaming-chainsaw-john-ritter-500×691.jpg?w=500&h=691">-
Bad art is worse when it's badly arted.-
That's awsome! I'm going to steal it right now.
This is the work of artist Andrew Zubko http://zubko.com who also brought us this magnificent piece of work:
<img src="http://zubko.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/BatmanVsShark.jpg">-
He's obviously scored some of that drug called Charlie Sheen.
This is the only thing I think of concerning Batman and sharks.
<img src="http://www.66batman.com/yabbfiles/Attachments/shark-repellant-bat-spray-batman.jpg"> -
Q: Who do you think would win the fight and why?
Asher: Uhhh, Batman! Because he has the light saber and he would cut off the sharks head. Then the shark would turn into a zombie and would kill Batman.
I fear for that kid's future. -
FLARE could take 'em both.
<img src="http://crow202.org/wordpress/wp-content/images/comic-with-shark.jpg">
Why is Betty White riding John Ritter?
When YOU'RE Betty White, you'll get to choose who you ride too.
Wait a minute. You saw that, and THAT'S what puzzled you?
Too bad that isn't on the other side of the trike.
Let the record show that I do not ride a trike. I drive a reverse trike. Not the same. Different. Even though, in this case, they both have trailer hitches.
Reverse trikes are great, and some trikes are also good. But anybody can do a trailer hitch, how about a snowplow?
<img src="http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~adn24/Pembleton_Supersports.jpg">
Way manlier than a trailer hitch:
<img src="http://www.imz-ural.com/community/pics/uralplow200612b.jpg">-
So this artist/sculptor/welder friend builds this bicycle with a plow on it and titles it, "The D-9". I get called in to plow for the City one night, so I ride the D-9 the two blocks from our house to the City yard and park it right by the door where we all go in to get dispatched. All the other Drivers know it's mine, because I'm a nut-case and the only one who doesn't drive a huge lifted 4X4, but they all think it's pretty cool, if not stupid.
We're supposed to confer with the Driver coming off-shift in our area about what has been done and where we need to go first, so I go to the Driver who plows my neighborhood and say, "I made a couple of passes on Leroux Street on my way here, but you might want to go and check it…''
The "plow" on the bike is maybe a foot, a foot and a half wide and totally unusable, but the guy doesn't even crack a smile.
Weirdo……. -
<img src="http://www.cyclelicio.us/uploaded_images/bikeplow-718946.jpg">Yeah, but that's not a trike with a plow.
So, I figure this bike is good for two weeks: Bike week and Shark week. Then it should probably be destroyed.
I recommend fire.
Nice reflexes. My eyes still burn.
A girl, wearing a bikini, riding a shark with, like, some sort of golden medieval warrior cuffs on her arms and legs…and really long hair, and big ol’
<img src="http://www.gifsoup.com/view/11009/austin-powers-tits-o.gif">
"Hey! A and N, you're late!"
/1 article, 2 austin powers references Yeah baby, Yeah! -
It's hard to make a goldwing trike look good, however "batshit awesome" is always on the table.
Because. Why jump the shark, when you can ride it?-
That needs to be worked into several posts this week.
I count at least two phrases in that response that bear random repetitions.
I concur. Mwah. Ha. Ha.
"Jump the Shark"
You're doing it wrong. -
Let me just say this … this comment thread is in the running for greatest ever.
A girl, wearing a bikini, riding a shark…
<img src="http://jamiedubs.com/fuckflickr/data/robocop%20on%20a%20unicorn/web/robocop-unicorn-11.jpg">
Robocop, riding a unicorn, heartily approves of this!-
THIS is AWESOME. That is all.
RoboUnicorn, even. Hells yes.
A belated Happy Easter to my friends in the Hooniverse.
<img src="http://i597.photobucket.com/albums/tt55/brewsben8/Jesus/JesusRidingDinosaur-1.jpg"> -
Ha-ha-ha! Oh dear god!!
Oh that's just Paula. She rides everything…………….
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