24 Hours of Lemons – This post is my penalty for passing under yellow

Hi, Kamil here, also known as a “miscreant driver” to the LeMons judges – almost first name basis now, sort of. Live-ish blog here from beautiful middle-of-nowhere New Jersey. We are doing great! Early morning’s fuel injector swap made the Buick as perfect as a fourteen year old Buick can be. We are (well, were) running around the 50th spot overall, teens in our class.

But the real reason why I am writing this… I am writing this as a penalty for passing under yellow. Passing under yellow is a horrible offense and can get people hurt, so please don’t do it. Unfortunately this isn’t our first trip to the penalty slammer, but the first two times we were told that we didn’t do anything amazingly horrible. This time, despite the very minor protesting from me, the Honorable Judge Martin told me to “write a blog post”, a penalty patented by our main man in charge, Tim. Of course the Honorable Judge Murilee Martin was right in saying that passed under yellow, which I of course did.

As it is commonly known, all automotive journalists are the worst drivers in the world. No exceptions, even the part-time bloggers suck. That is an indisputable fact. Obviously when in comes to racing, we do not belong here at all.

I promise that from now on I will watch for all flags and obey all signals, and not drive by my stereotype.

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22 responses to “24 Hours of Lemons – This post is my penalty for passing under yellow”

  1. Bob Harnsberger Avatar
    Bob Harnsberger

    Let the public humiliation begin!

  2. $kaycog Avatar

    Yes, Judge Murilee Martin is right. She's always right.

    1. Hopman Avatar

      You know Murilee is a guy, right?

      1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

        So that explains the husky voice and majestic mutton chops…

        1. craigsu Avatar

          Well, I can easily imagine the husky voice, but I really don't see the mutton chops.
          <img src="http://murileemartin.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/tormentinccover-600px.jpg&quot; width="600">
          Of course, this is an older photo.
          Are you aware he somewhat backhandedly gives you credit for the Saucy Minx moniker?

          1. FuzzyPlushroom Avatar

            Aye, and I told him that while I may have been present for the conversation in which it was birthed, and have called him such in the past (circa-2007/'08 [redacted]) I'm pretty sure it wasn't originally my creation. Personally, I'd blame Darth Air.
            Then again, it's been several years.

          2. Bret Dodson Avatar

            I was the first to call her "the Saucy Minx". It 's a term I've used for years after seeing it in an old Superman comic. Seems appropriate for a genderless nom d'plume.
            Seeing the real author/justice in person is a site to behold; the term heroic hirsuteness comes to mind.

      2. $kaycog Avatar

        I've known that for five years now. I wrote a song for him way back then.
        ♫ Row, row, row your boat,
        Gently down the stream.
        Murilee, Murilee, Murilee,
        He's as sweet as he can be. ♫

      3. engineerd Avatar

        Lies! All LIES!
        She's beautiful.

    2. craigsu Avatar

      Even when she's just Phil-ling in.

      1. $kaycog Avatar

        Indeed! 😀

  3. buzzboy7 Avatar

    It's strange, in person he looked baffled at being called Murilee. Up until my first time driving I didn't know his real name.

    1. BlackIce_GTS Avatar

      I get the impression that Phil-the-actual-person is slightly creeped out (justifiably) by the Murilee Martin-the-internet-personality fansquadron.

      1. Murilee Martin Avatar
        Murilee Martin

        You are correct. But I'm stuck with that name, like Alice Cooper.

  4. stieg Avatar

    Be thankful they haven't taped you to the top of the car yet and made you drive around the paddock with a bull horn advising other drivers

    1. Devin Avatar

      On the upside, if that's necessary, there's a bench pre-installed.

  5. mdharrell Avatar

    "…the very minor protesting from me…."
    There ain't no such thing. Any action or inaction that falls short of instantaneous (or, even better, anticipatory) capitulation is unacceptable. I'd say you're lucky The Most Honorable Judge Phil hasn't demanded that this be edited accordingly.

  6. SpiroAgnew76 Avatar

    $500 pARK BENch MY aSS !!!!!11!!!!11

  7. craigsu Avatar

    I think you got off easy considering he didn't make you type this post up with your driving gloves still on.

  8. Van_Sarockin Avatar

    And then what happened?

  9. VolvoNut Avatar

    how did you get that broom handle stuck in your head in the first photo?

    1. craigsu Avatar

      I think it's coming out of his uniform behind the HANS device, no doubt to improve his posture while serving his penalty.