10 Years Later: Aussie Hoon

10 years ago, I was freshly engaged and in a photography sales job and I photographing cars in my spare time.

10 years on I am about to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary and I am working full time in my own business, photography cars and all things automotive almost daily.

My connection with Hooniverse goes back to around 2013, Matt Farah introduced me to Jeff and said he might be interested in an Australian correspondent for his site Hooniverse. So after a few emails were exchanged, I became an Aussie reporter for Hooniverse.

It would take another 2 years before Jeff and I would meet in person.

2015 I was on my wedding Anniversary in Hawaii, when my very understanding and supportive wife allowed me to head to California for a few days for a conference, but before that started I caught up with Jeff and we shot a cool project at Saleen. Up until recently, I thought the footage we created that day was lost, but after being recently found I hope to finish what we started very soon.

Jeff and I with Steve Saleen, shooting some cool content.

A lot has changed over the last years for many of the guys in the Hooniverse family, especially with all the different project cars, which have been great to read about. But for me, I am still driving the same car, my 2007 Mazda 3 SP23. Hopefully before the end of the year that will change, but ill cover that in another post when it happens.

It’s funny to think in reflection that 10 years ago I shot this Chevrolet Camaro

and 10 years later, just recently I shot this Camaro. It was interesting to look back to just see how much my photography has changed.

The other thing that has changed has been my writing, it does seem to flow better than it did 10 years ago but there can still be times of writer’s block. I am looking forward to really writing and contributing more and pushing past the writer’s block.

Below I have thrown in a couple of photos of some of my recent work just to show what my life is like now

The smile on my face,  in the photo above, just goes to show how much has changed in 10 years. This was taken earlier this year working on multi-day shoot for an automotive client across two different states of Australia. I love my job and it keeps me pretty busy but I still try to contribute to Team Hoon when I can. I have really enjoyed adding to the opinion pieces that Ross and the guys have been running around various motor shows.

But I think I enjoy the most, being a part of the Hooniverse family, I have made some great friendships and really enjoying hearing from our readers.

So here is to the next 10 years of Hooniverse, thanks Jeff Glucker for giving a young guy from Down Under a chance.

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4 responses to “10 Years Later: Aussie Hoon”

  1. theskitter Avatar
    1. Fuhrman16 Avatar

      What is this faf business?

      1. theskitter Avatar

        FAF is like DAF:
        Obscure, strange, low powered.
        But so much more so.

  2. outback_ute Avatar

    Thanks Joel