Stolen VW Bus Recovered – 35 Years Later
It’s entirely possible I’m developing an unhealthy obsession with VW Buses, but I’m not entirely to blame: our beloved commenters keep encouraging me! It’s really not my fault!
For Sale- Best to Read the Fine Print
This Craigslist ad for a 1978 Datsun Z-car seems pretty straight forward, aside from some chuckle-worthy spell-check errors- leather sits, neck turner, etc. But when buying anything, it’s always a good idea to read the fine print before taking the plunge.
HooniMerch is ALIVE!
Ok folks… we have just launched HooniMerch ver 1.0. At the top of this page you will see a new tab which will take you to some gear for sale. We will continue to pack this space with more items, new designs, and greater products for you – our loyal readers. PLEASE provide any and…
Name That Part: Aporkalypse Edition
Once again, in our last episode of Name That Part, two commenters breezed through our challenge with virtually no difficulty at all.
Hoonivision: This Electrifying Fiberfab Valkyrie is the Antichrist
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_kvNCXbqtc[/youtube] There’s something horrifyingly seductive about an electrified Fiberfab Valkyrie …. you could rig it to run silent, sneak up behind unsuspecting enemies (Tesla owners?), and blast them right in the mucus membranes with an air-cannon filled with Bondo dust (judging by the bodywork, you’d likely have ample ammunition in the footwells). Now, if this…
'79 Hurst Olds Still Available
Just a note: the baddest car ever to roll out of 1979 is still available. The owner, Sebastian, has to go back to Germany a couple of weeks and needs to sell the car. We’ve seen it in person and driven it, alas, it’s been decided the Mad_Science driveway and project schedule is too full…
Hooniverse Asks- Is it Really More Fun to Drive a Slow Car Fast Than a Fast Car Slow?
The old saying goes that it’s more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow. Having driven my share of both slow and fast cars, I can say that it’s most fun to drive a fast car fast, but that opportunity doesn’t come up all that often. Usually driving with any…
In Memoriam: The Homologation Special, Part 1
If you stop and think about it, the phrase “racecar for the street” is tossed around pretty liberally. But when, pray tell, was the last time you switched on the boob tube and saw a loud cycle-fendered kit car designed by two English blokes who spend as much time at the pub as they do…
Streetwalker- 1966 Black Beauty Wants to be in Your Stable
Our favorite curb-side used car lot had some new product this weekend- a deep ebony 1966 Mustang coupe, with just about every righteous factory option you could want, but at a price you might not want to pony up for.
Last Call- Dove è Waldo?
Here’s a very typical parking lot – this one happens to be at the Warner Brother’s studios – which is filled with cars you normally wouldn’t even notice if they passed you on the street. But there’s one that kinda’ sticks out, can you find it? Better, do you know what it is? And if…
Insane Ducati-powered Fiat 500 gets Hooniverse Seal of Approval
Take a car roughly the size of an Oompa-Loompa, toss the original motor, and cram in a L-twin desmodromic Ducati mill channelling the power through the rear end via a six-speed sequential transmission and a LSD … whaddya get? That sure as hell ain’t your grandmother’s recipe for minestrone, now is it? It’s more likely…
And Now a Word From Our Sponsor. . . Not Really, Just Watch
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKBLFRoUgKU[/youtube] Perspective makes all the difference in the world.
Update: F1-67 Designer Comes to Hooniverse!
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=128OpWDxw64[/youtube] Pardon us while we feel all full of ourselves for a second, but Ian Gray, designer and builder of yesterday’s glorious F1-67 Race Car Replica, stopped by yesterday to give us a little more information in the comments. In case anyone missed it — and I would have, if he hadn’t emailed me to…
Jag E-Type Seller is a Glass Half-Full Kind of Guy
When I was a kid, one of my biggest joys was when the family would make a trek to the store where I could buy a new car model. I preferred the Revell models, but Monogram had some good ones too. While I pine for those days sitting at the dining room table- spread with…
Hoon and Terrorize from the Comfort of Your Hospice Bed!
I know that picture shows a tissue box nestled comfortably in that R/C platform, but I wouldn’t be a true hoon unless the second I saw it my twisted brain came up with nearly endless permutations of what sort of insanity may ensue if you simply put something else in there. Of course, the sixer…
Turbocharged Lawn Mower Cuts Grass at 30° Angle Due to Wheelies
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxi5-gFwikU[/youtube] Typically, the time spent mowing the lawn is an excellent opportunity to get lost in one’s thoughts and reflect on the consequential quandaries of life. Or maybe it gives you time to think- what if I were to turbo my lawnmower?