Name That Part: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Edition
In our last Name That Part, we blatantly used the article for a bit of gratuitous self-promotion. We’d like to say that we’re ashamed of it, but let’s face it, we’re not. it’s the UberBird, and it’s awesome. Okay, maybe it’s not the fastest car on the LeMons track, but it’s beautiful and we love…
Hammerhead Eagle iThrust Tested by Autocar UK
If you caught last night’s episode of Top Gear, and didn’t spend the entire time backing up and re-watching the part with the R8 and Corvette eating up the track like a grizzly consumes a hiker, then you caught the bit about their electric car. Not only did they sacrifice a TVR Chimaera for the…
Hooniverse Asks- Stealing From Top Gear Edition
Last night on Top Gear -in between building the world’s most dangerous electric car and pirouetting a Vette around the track like their were Dancing with the Stars, Clarkson brought up a question that they are asking for an upcoming show- which is What car maker has built the most great cars?
Best Endorsements: 25 Years Late Edition
We’ve all seen them. We’ve oft been told, “Run, don’t walk” from them. We’ve told ourselves this also, as if by instinct. We’ve experienced the anguished crises of conscience whenever we encounter one along our travels. Some are landmarks and stomping grounds, old friends on the street; new ones are at once strange yet oh-so-familiar,…
Streetwalker- Cossie Benz Edition
Back in the early ’80s, Mercedes envisioned entering a hot version of their “baby benz” 190E into WRC competition. What they didn’t envision was the all-wheel drive competition from Audi and Lancia, which dominated the class. Realizing the error of their ways, Benz took their little Autobahner, with its Cosworth-modded mill, and attacked the DTM…
LeMons Update: It's Over! Team Uberbird Finishes…Well, Let's Just Say We Finished
Yeah, so…sorry to leave so many of you hanging when it comes to LeMons coverage. Turns out, there’s not really time to drive, wrench like crazy and blog an event. No doubt you’ve been keeping up with Judge Martin’s coverage, so hopefully you haven’t been completely in the dark. We’ve got plenty of pictures and…
Update From LeMons Arse-Freeze-apalooza: Tech Inspection Cleared, Insanity Begins Tomorrow!
[singlepic id=522 w=640 h=480 float=center] Team Unknown Fluids has set up camp, cleared tech (after a few quick fixes) and done a few practice laps. For the the doubters out there, the wing’s holding up great (no idea if it’s actually producing downforce) and the we’ve got no cooling issues with the nosecone (that it’s…
Last Call- Good Advice Edition
As the owner of the host Giulia Super looked like he would kick my ass if I attempted to slip, either him some tongue, or behind the wheel of his car, I demurred from acting immediately upon the directive this bumper sticker compels.
Craziest Engines Appendix A: Railton Special – When One W12 Aircraft Motor Isn't Enough
Deartháir’s post was unbelievably awesome, and it shook loose this nugget from my skull about airplane-engined insane cars. The Railton covers all the bases: unusual aircraft-derived engine cylinder layout, multiple engines, unusual power delivery.
Oh Hail No!
There are many ways in which Mother Nature may try to kill us when we are behind the wheel- tornados flipping us into the nearest abutment, tsunamis sweeping us off the the coast and into shark-infested waters, or by pile-driving 2-inch balls of ice through our windshields. Image source: [Imgur.com]
The Newest Item on the Hooniverse Christmas Wish List
Sitting somewhere under a Bahn Brenner supercharger, but somewhere over any more Hot Wheels, we have a new entrant on the Christmas list. Anatoly Arutunoff, who was a race driver in the ’60s and ’70s, has written an autobiography. Anyone who has read an interview with the man will quickly point to his excellent humour,…
Junkyard Dog- W123 Edition
This past weekend, we took a trek to the local all-furrin’ pick-your-part to see what the haps were, and came across this interesting beast. Yes, that’s a 123W coupe, and yes, it has a soft top. And no, they didn’t come from the factory like that.
The Ten Craziest Engines You Can't Buy Today
Wednesday, over on Jalopnik, they ran an article about the Five Craziest Engines You Can Buy Today. We liked it, and we liked it quite a lot, actually. Nevertheless, we can’t help but think there’s a slight flaw in their logic — besides the huge, glaring omission of the Volkswagen Group’s series of W-engines, of…
Hooniverse Asks- What External Modifications Have You Made to your Car?
Mud flaps, wheel well lights, spinners and portholes. There’s a wallet-emptying array of crap in the automotive aisle of your local Walmart to make sure no one ever mistakes your car for theirs. Hoons generally like their cars light and lean, without any extraneous accoutrements, but sometimes you just can’t resist that Peeing Calvin sticker.
Out of Print-Climbing Out of the Malaise
By 1983, Reagan had been in office for a couple of years, the shock of OPEC flexing their muscles had begun to die down, and auto makers stopped fighting emission control regulations, and started focusing their engineers on actually making their cars work with them.
Last Call- Rocket Science
Clever scientist is clever. Image source: [Imgur.com]