The 250 GBP Challenge – Beating beater cars at a Finnish ice track
I can tell you a little secret. Off the coast of continental Europe lies a little group of islands called Great Britain. I don’t know if you’re heard of it, but it is a noteworthy place for a car buyer, since the Brits have decided to keep buying their cars with the steering wheel on…
Frozen Wastes Weekend Edition: Opel Omega 3000
On the other side of the town from the Bonneville-hosting junkyard, I found this black Opel Omega. A-body Omegas have been vanishing for a long time, as the B-bodies have fared better – though not without their share of rusty body panels. This wasn’t even a completely ordinary Omega, but a high-spec Omega 3000, meaning…
Frozen Wastes Weekend Edition: Pontiac Bonneville SSE
I took the Polo out today for a drive around the industrial districts. Snow had fallen a couple days ago, mercifully covering much of all the beaten and broken cars strewn around the junkyards. But as I turned the corner and saw this Pontiac Bonneville, I felt like I had hit the jackpot when it…