
  • V.I.S.I.T. – Vehicles I Saw In Traffic (on the A36 From Montbéliard to Dijon in 1991)




      A 10-year-old non-artist’s dramatic depiction of a rented Fiat Uno’s rear license plate. A moving truck full of stuff showed up at my house two weeks ago. It wasn’t unexpected, as I had hired the movers myself. But the contents of the truck wasn’t strictly all mine (though I suppose now it is) –…

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  • Two-Wheel Tuesday: Bikes of the Cassoday Run




    On the first Sunday morning of every month of the riding season (March – October), the town of Cassoday, Kansas (pop. 129) fills with literally thousands of motorcycles. Bikers from throughout eastern Kansas and the neighboring states ride the scenic Flint Hills highways that surround the tiny burg and congregate in Cassoday to eat at…

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