
  • Mystery Car




    Well, T.G.I.F., and that means it must be Mystery Car time. Here’s a car in Italianate red that looks like it could be from pretty much any of the past three decades. For your Friday pleasure, start channelling Mr. Peabody and Sherman in setting your Way-Back machine of a brain. Or, if you’re lazy, just…

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  • Mystery Bike Revealed




    Holy Crap. Tanshanomi called out this Cushman in about a total of 4 seconds! Way to go Man.

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  • Two Wheel Tuesday Mystery Bike Edition




    The only previous time this olelongrooffan has done a Mystery Car, Syrax correctly identified it right out of the box. Hopefully this one is a bit more challenging. Last week while down on Main Street I spotted a bike I have not yet shown to my fellow Hoons. Your thoughts? And no “It’s an ________”…

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  • Mystery Car!




    Gotta say, when this photo came in on the tips hotline it caused a whirlwind of activity in everyone’s inbox and nobody managed to guess it before the tipster eventually revealed the answer.  I could give you some clues but it seems like we had more fun in previous MC posts when tight-lipped Jim kept…

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  • Mystery Car Revealed!




    Well, that took even longer than I thought it would, But congratulations to smokyhburnout for coming up with the correct answer. And now for a little history on the Askam product line, but only after the jump….

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  • Mystery Car!




    Welcome to another special edition of Mystery Car. This time, I decided to revisit the tip I received from FacelVega on the Jidé 1600s Mystery Car Posting. To recap, this is what he stated within his e-mail: Hey hoon editors. My brother suggests a car for the mystery car series, a Jidé 1600s. In other…

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  • Mystery Car Revealed!




    This took a lot longer than I thought it would, but you guys came through, but only after I dropped a big hint, and then it was Lotte who came through and identified the mysterious French sports car.

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  • Mystery Car!




    This is a special edition of Mystery Car. Why is it a special edition you ask? Because its the first Mystery Car posting for me, but I can’t take all the credit. We received this very delicious posting from long time Hoon FacelVega (Thanks Man!) and I have to confess, I knew nothing about this…

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  • Mystery Car




    Now, this olelongrooffan has, until this point in time, been a Mystery Car virgin so I thought I would jump in with both feet. I spotted this car at a show a couple years ago and it is an original image of mine. Good luck over on google images. But I’ll bet my fellow Hoons…

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  • Mystery Car!




    Well Hoons, it’s friday and you know what that means.  Mystery car!  I stumbled upon a vehicle very similar to this last evening when I was 8 layers deep, and thoroughly lost in Tumblr sites (once you go in, it’s damn near impossible to get back out).  Despite my best efforts, I could not identify the…

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